Surprise [Starscream]

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Starscream X Femme! Reader

Requested by:

Diggity dang my first request

And I am going to heavily disappoint them


You groaned, attempting to find the will to move as your head throbbed. The ceiling of your bedroom appeared to twist unnaturally, which only made your head hurt more. And the feeling of a sharp pain in your stomach wouldn't go away, no matter how much you willed it. It seemed like almost everything hurt, and the nearby rambling didn't help your case. Turning your head toward the squeaky and loud voice, you saw your sparkmate StarScream pacing and flailing his arms dramatically as he ranted about how good of a leader he would make.

"-hy doesn't anyone see how great I am? I am so much better than that 'Lord Megatron' ",the second-in-command stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He snapped his body toward you, noticing that you hadn't responded to what he was saying at all during the half hour you were laying on the ground. "Why so quiet? Don't you agree with me?" He asked dramatically as he crossed his arms, acting like a butthurt child. But due to the ever-growing pain in your head and abdomen, you didn't respond. You also didn't want to risk strangling him for not noticing your pain yet.

Everything was quiet for a few seconds before StarScreams wings slightly drooped, his angry posture faltering. "Uh... are you, ok?" He asked hesitantly, almost as if he was a little unsure of how to react to seeing you like this. You turned toward him and glared softly, too tired to really acknowledge what he asked. StarScream walked toward you, his heel-like feet clicking on the metal ground as he inched forward. "You don't seem to be alright.. should I get KnockOut? His name is weird for a doctor, yes, but I think he's on our side. ...(Y/N)?"

After another few seconds of silence, StarScream seemed to realize it was serious and began screeching to himself. "What do I do? Is she dead? Should I tell Megatron? No. Do I-" His high pitched rambling was cut to a halt as you slowly sat up, your hand on your stomach. You were shivering and breathing heavily, causing your sparkmate to freak out even more. Realizing he was not good in tense situations, you decided it was best if you gave him instructions. Grunting, you leaned against the wall and managed to whisper "KnockOut", causing StarScream to spring into action and blast down the hall at speeds he didn't think he had.

After nearly breaking down KnockOuts door, he attempted to explain what was happening, but he was speaking so fast and stuttering so much the poor mech had no idea what he was saying. "Whoa, slow down. You're going to give yourself a seizure. What about (Y/N)?" He asked casually, crossing his newly-buffed arms in an annoyed manner. StarScream made some strange stuttering noises before finally yelling out "Dying!" This caused KnockOut to snap to attention and run to grab some medical supplies. He didn't really know you, but if the life of the only sane femme was in danger, he had to do something.

StarScream quickly led the concerned doctor down multiple twisting halls, causing him to occasionally trip over his own heeled feet in worry. After a few minutes, they finally both arrived at (Y/N)'s bedroom, causing them both to notice your worsened state. You were still laying on the ground, and you seemed to be barely consious as you stared blankly up at the ceiling, your breathing slow. KnockOut rushed over and quickly began checking all over you to find the cause of your physical state.

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