Tiny human [Ratchet]

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Ratchet X Human! Child! Reader

(No he's not a pedophile)

Kinda short cause I don't feel like heavily traumatizing a child

Also June is your mom cause why not


You clapped your hands together, enjoying the sound it made as it echoed throughout the base. This caused Ratchet to glance at you for a moment before returning to his work. He didn't really like having to babysit a human child, but you seemed to be less annoying than Miko, so he had that going for him. You looked at your tiny chubby hands for a moment in wonder before hitting them together again, hearing the same echoing sound as last time. Yelling excitedly, you began clapping so rapidly that you completely missed almost every attempt.

Pinching the bridge his nose, Ratchet turned his body toward the human area, where you sat alone flapping your hands excitedly. Everyone else had gone on an important mission, and June didn't want you to go with them. So that left you with the grumpy mech himself, who was having difficulty not yelling at you. "Will you stop that?" He snapped, causing you to stop and stare up at him with an puzzled expression. This caused him to sigh in relief before turning back to his work, tapping rapidly at the keyboard.

You immediately began clapping your hands again, not wanting to be ignored in this time of boredom. He groaned loudly before turning toward you so quickly that you felt wind. "What? What do you want?!" He yelled out, clearly exasperated that you kept interrupting his important work. You reached your arms up and made grabby hands, making small grunting sounds to prove your point. He seemed to get more annoyed as he let out a loud sigh, rubbing his hand across his face as he weighed his options. "If I hold you, will you be quiet?"

You didn't really understand what he said, but you nodded your head anyway, hearing the word 'hold' somewhere in his sentence. He grunted and muttered something under his breath before reaching a hand toward you, his hand almost two times bigger than you were. Yelling excitedly, you felt yourself be lifted up from the ground by the giant hand that had attempted to pick you up as gently as possible. He muttered under his breath once again, something about being small, but you didn't really care. Being set on his right shoulder, you looked around excitedly, now being able to see things you weren't able to see before. Even the tiniest little marks on Ratchets helm were visible now.

And being the curious child you were, you placed your hands on his shoulder and began tracing your fingers along every mark you could find. Ratchet turned his optics to look at you, slightly confused about what you were doing before turning back to his work, realizing he didn't care. Once you got bored of that, you placed your hands on the side of his giant face and stood up, running your fingers across everything that you could touch. After a few minutes of that though, you got bored again and sat down, kicking your legs absent mindedly.

The small metallic bangs your feet made when they hit his shoulder surprised you though, and you proceeded to kick him harder and harder until your legs were sore. Ratchet surprisingly didn't yell at you, but he did give you a small glare. Frowning, you looked down, quickly noticed a small ledge on his chest that looked fun to walk on. Thinking about how you were going to slide down and catch yourself, you beamed at how smart you were as you slowly scooted toward the edge. Counting down from the highest number you know, you braced yourself as you began sliding down the smooth metal, feeling your heart rise into your throat as you fell much quicker than your 3 year old mind had expected.

Completely missing your target, you cried out for Ratchet, hoping that he would be fast enough to reach down and catch you. You were just a few feet away from the ground when you suddenly felt metal sweep under you. It wasn't that soft of a landing, and it hurt like heck, but you were thankful that you didn't hit the concrete. Looking up, you immediately regretted everything as you saw his beyond-angry expression directed at you. Lifting you up to his face, he quickly scanned you for injuries, ranting angrily about how dumb you were for thinking that you could make it.

This caused tears to come quickly pouring, both from being shaken up from the fall and Ratchets not-so-kind words. The mech froze, not really knowing how to react to a crying child as he glanced around the room. Sighing heavily, he reached up a digit and quickly wiped away your tears, causing you to stop and sniffle as you looked up at him in confusion. He looked just as confused as he awkwardly glanced around, feeling a little weird that he was trying to comfort a human child. "Uh... no need to cry. You're ok..??" He spoke, making it sound more like a question than he had wanted.

But it seemed to have worked on you as you smiled up at him, causing him to sigh in relief that you had stopped crying. He was about to set you back in the human area, but you violently shook your head and grabbed one of his digits, holding on as tightly as your tiny arms could. He groaned and glanced around the base before lifting you up again and reaching over to his shoulder. But you just shook your head again as you pointed toward the top of his head, saying a few jumbled words as you tried to convince him.

Ratchet just rolled his optics and reached toward the top of his head, tilting his hand gently so you slid off. Grabbing the red things that stuck out of his head, you giggled happily, enjoying the view from this height as Ratchet smiled softly. Clearing his throat, he forced the smile away and quickly began working, heating up slightly in embarrassment that he was bonding with the child.

About an hour later, Optimus called Ratchet over the comm requesting a groundbridge as soon as possible. Ratchet began rushing over to the lever, but remembered the small child that clung to him and immediately slowed down. Entering the quardinates, he pulled down the lever and turned toward the groundbridge that spun to life, the swirling colors mesmerizing your childish mind. Ratchet suddenly realized that everyone was beginning to walk through, and they would see the small child on his head. He panicked in fear of being embarrassed in front of the team for something so childish. So quickly thinking, he gently grabbed the child and placed them in his open chassis, quickly closing it just as the entire team came barreling through.

You blinked in confusion, slightly scared of the darkness as you looked around. Though a light soon turned on, revealing that you were in a small-ish area that had two seats, making you guess it was the drivers and passenger seat. You crawled around a little aimlessly, a little ball of anxiety forming in your stomach as you tried to find something entertaining to distract yourself. Sitting in the drivers seat, you held an imaginary steering wheel and made car sounds with your mouth, pretending that you were a racing. A few minutes pass and you saw light beginning to beam in from the 'wall', causing you to look at it curiously. A hand cautiously reached in, feeling around for a moment before it touched your arm, stopping for a moment before gently wrapping around you, causing you to happily hug one of the digits.

When you were pulled out, Ratchet quickly shut his chassis and set you down in the human area, causing you to blink in confusion. "See? There she is, not dead." Ratchet spoke, turning and gesturing toward you, revealing your panicked mothers face. She sighed in relief as she walked toward you, picking you up and holding you close. "Thank you.." Your mother whispered, causing Ratchet to nod silently and smile at you before turning away, causing you to smile back happily. You couldn't wait to hang out with him again.


Yay corny ending

But oof only 1400 words. I had no idea what else to do with Ratchet and a child.

Also I haven't slept yet and I feel like death

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