Crunch [Ratchet]

729 13 4

Requested by: Anonymous



You heard the screeching of tires as Bulkhead drove into the base. The windows were rolled down and Miko was hanging so far out you were surprised she hadnt fallen out yet. She was yelling out with glee, causing anyone in the room to give her a confused glance. The green car door opened automatically, causing the excitable child to hop out. There was the sound of metal-against-metal as the car swiftly shifted into a giant robot.

"That was awesome! Let's do it again!" The human enthused, jumping slightly in place as Bulkhead rubbed the back of his head. "I don't know, Miko. You could have gotten hurt." But the girl was too stubborn to give in that easily. "Aw, c'mon! I'm always safe with you! You're a giant robot for crying out loud!"

This made Ratchet, who was working at the computer as usual, mutter something under his breath about 'not being robots'.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

You snapped your head up, having previously been hooked in a good book, surprisingly, due to the fact you were surrounded by loud giant machines. "Wanna play hide and seek with the bots?" She yelled, her hands making the shape of a megaphone around her mouth in an attempt to be louder.

Ratchet quickly snuck out of the room.

You stood up, folding the corner of the page to save your spot in the book before walking to the railing of the human area. Feeling a little bored and wanting to run around, you shrugged. "Sure!"

Miko excitedly punched the air as she turned toward Bulkhead, not giving him a choice as she began to explain the rules. He nodded every few seconds despite the slightly confused expression on his face.

Walking down the stairs, you glanced around the room, scanning for any hiding spots before hand. There were a few spots, but it would be easy to see you if they stood at a certain angle. But you've had experience with hiding at social gatherings, so you'll figure out something.

After a few minutes of Miko running around the base, she managed to get Arcee, Jack, Raf, Bumblebee, and Smokescreen to join in on the fun. She never managed to find Ratchet though, and Optimus said he was busy checking storage.

"Ok, so! Autobots will be seeking because you're way too huge, and humans will be hiding. But, you've gotta tag them, then they'll join your team!" Miko announced, trying to be heard by everyone as she slightly flailed her arms.

You stood beside her, feeling a little anxious, as everyone had exteremly competitive expressions. Miko didn't seem phased. "Count to 100, and then say 'ready or not, here I come' really loud!"

To the slightly dismay of the humans, not including Raf, Bumblebee volunteered to count. "Ok, close your eyes and we'll go hide!" Miko stated, getting into a dramatic stance as she prepared to run down the hall. The autobots glanced at each other before closing their optics, causing Bumblebee to begin making a different beep every second as he counted.

All of the humans scattered in different directions, including you as you ran down a random hallway. Sparing a glance behind you last second, you saw Raf hiding in a spot behind the computer, causing you to smirk at the slight advantage. Continuing to run down the hall, you heard Bumblebee's counting having a more excited edge to it, causing you to sweat slightly. You were running out of time.

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