Blind [Autobots]

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Blind! Reader X Autobots


Ack I'm late again.

Please dont kill me

Also I had no idea what to write for a Christmas special without using a storyline that's been overused multiple times in other books, so what do I do?


I do nothing.

So here, have a random thing.

(Also uh, little depressing)


You sat in silence, your hands tapping lightly against your thighs as the quiet ticking of the clock on the wall seemed to slow down with every passing second. Sighing, your eyes flickered around the room, seeing nothing but darkness, as usual. You were currently sitting in your last period, Biology. The other students were busy taking a test, and since you could read or write, you got to sit it out.

As lucky as you seem, sitting in utter darkness and silence was extremely irritating and boring.

You would have thought you were dead, if not for the ticking of the clock and occasional shifting of a student nearby. In an attempt to occupy yourself, you began humming a song that's been stuck in your head all day. It didn't last more than five seconds before something hit the back of your head. Your face heated up in embarrassment, and you decided to remain quiet for the rest of the time.

A few painful minutes passed before you felt something poke your arm, causing you to lean away from the sudden contact. You felt it again a moment later, now hearing a females voice whispering something to you.

"Hey...psst...what's the answer to question 2?"

You almost felt bad for the girl, as there around 30 questions on the test, and only a few minutes left in the hour. Ignoring the thought of what was so distracting to her, you turned your head to 'face' her, attempting to gesture that you didn't know because you were blind. After a few more moments of a bad game of charades, the girl made a small 'oohhh' sound before it was silent again.

Though that didn't last long before you heard her chair creaking from the result of leaning toward you. "Whats it like being blind? Is it fun? Do you get special things? Do you have a dog? You better not be hiding a dog from me." She spoke, her voice having a playful edge to it as you felt her eyes on yours.

Feeling suddenly self consious, you turned your head away, answering her as quietly as possible. "Its... fine. And, no, I don't have a dog or get anything special. Can't afford it." You shrugged, earning awkward silence from the bubbly girl next to you. You tensed up as the words from your previous 'friends' echoed in your head, causing your nails to dig into your thighs.

You heard the girl take in a breath, as if she was about to talk again, but the bell cut her off as the obnoxious sound echoed throughout the school. Hearing everyone rush toward the classroom door like wild animals, you remained sitting, not wanting to be trampled under the desperate teenagers. After a few moments of silence, you stood up, deeming it safe as you hesitantly walked through the classroom.

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