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99% sure I spelled that wrong




[When they first meet you]

Optimus: Does not care for physical appearance, and is not necessarily looking for a relationship. But if you play your cards right, he may just compliment you.

Arcee: Its hard to get this warrior to notice you. She's headstrong and protective, but she can be emotional. So when you show her support, she turns a little blue.

Bulkhead: Is scared to get too close to any human in case he hurts them. So he's a little surprised when you respect his anxiety and stay a small distance.

Ratchet: The medic is too busy trying to usher you out to notice your efforts. If you compliment him, you'll catch him off guard and he'll go silent for a few hours, looking flustered. But he isn't one to trust someone quickly.

Bumblebee: He enjoys a good game, so when you invite him to play hide and seek, he's all for it. But he also invites the other humans, who also join in. You can impress him with your hiding skills.

Smokescreen: A bit of an innocent bean. Any flirts will fly over his head, causing Ratchet to laugh at your several attempts. If you ask for a ride, he'll gladly abide and suddenly scoop you up as he transforms around you. You feel kind of sick. But at least he enjoys himself as he impresses you with his skills.

Megatron: He automatically hates you. Hes an evil warlord with a captured human, what do you expect on the first day?

Soundwave: Completely ignores your attempts at conversation. If you make a dramatic sound like your hurt, his head turns ever so subtly toward you. But that's the most you can get out of him.

KnockOut: The medic is too busy admiring himself to notice you at first. When he does, he's caught off guard and jumps slightly in surprise. You offer to buff him in places he can't reach, and he gladly accepts. This gives you the chance to make nice conversation with him for a few hours.

Shockwave: An emotionless doctor that has little to no interest in learning about humans. But, orders are orders, so he'll just have to bear your presence. Though, after observing your need for creativity, he becomes slightly curious.


I know there's more, but I just had a brain fart and can't think of them. Just comment who you want added and I'll put ' em in.

Also,don't begin having a tantrum because they didn't fall head-over-heels for you in the first few seconds. They are warriors, not kids from a high school musical.

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