Shoot [KnockOut]

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KnockOut X Mech! Reader

Shocker, I'm late.


I'll make it up to the four people that have this saved and suffer as I write a 4000+ Optimus oneshot this Saturday

I was grounded for a week because I forgot to do the dishes.

I had a transformers withdrawal and I have never suffered so much in my life

Requested by:



Alarms blared loudly in warning, causing your ears to ring as the red lights nearly blinded you. The painful feeling of free-falling got worse with every passing second as your escape pod barreled into the planet's atmosphere. Everything was shaking violently, causing you to lose your sense of direction. Metal had broken loose from the sides and started to zip around wildly, resulting in them embedding themselves deep into your metal. Flames licked at the windows, almost mocking you with their beauty as you struggled to stay consious. The green blob on the planet continued to grow rapidly as you shakily attempted to steer away from your death.

If you hadn't been so terrified, you would have marveled at the beauty of the planet as your pod made a bee-line for the ground. In a final attempt to protect yourself, you curled into a ball and prayed to the Primes that you survived. You heard an explosion and your own scream before everything suddenly went black.


The sounds of high-pitched chirping and nearby footsteps caused you to slowly open your eyes, making you confused as to why the sky was a bright blue. As your brain processed the shattered pod around you, you suddenly jolt to your feet in fear, resulting in you yelling out in pain and falling back down again. Gritting your teeth, you glanced down at your left leg, only to see it nearly shredded to bits.

Inhaling sharply, you scanned your entire form, revealing wounds all over your body. Ignoring the energon you were starting to cough up, you shakily stood and leaned against the wall, taking a moment to collect yourself before stumbling toward the communication controls. Most of the pieces of the machine were scattered around you, but you were desperate for help.

Clicking a few buttons, you attempted to dial a autobot ship, hoping they would save you from this loud and scary planet. "Uh- H-Hello? This is Scout (Y/N) from the autobot squad 147, is anyone there?" The only response you got was silence as you felt your spark sink with fear.

Glancing around anxiously, you absently took note of how beautiful it actually looked. You marveled at the trees, the sky, the birds, and the single deer that was a little too curious about you. You would have stared longer if your vision didn't start to become out of focus.

Every mark on your body burned as you collapsed, struggling to breathe as your lack of energon made itself known. You laid there for a few minutes before your body stabilized, making you sigh in relief that the pain had numbed slightly. Grunting, you used the wall to help pull yourself off of the ground, struggling to stand. You grabbed a nearby piece of metal and leaned against it, testing it's strength.

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