Trapped [Optimus]

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Optimus X Human! Reader

Ack I ran out of requests so boOM my own idea

I spent a full five minutes thinking of the storyline, are you proud of me?

(Also please don't murder me for any spelling/grammar errors. Its 4000 words- It would take an hour to edit it rn and I'm tired)


Warning: Lots of fluff stuff


[Ratchets POV]

Soft clicking echoed throughout the silent walls of the base, satisfying the medic with how peaceful everything was. If he listened close enough, he could hear his gears shift as he breathed in and out. He even began humming to himself as he worked, clearly in a good mood now that he was alone. A soft clink came from down a hallway, causing the medic to tense in fear that the children had finally arrived. After a few moments of silence, he sighed in relief and continued his work, peace settling once again.

Until a hard ball of metal was chucked at the back of his head.

Ratchet cried out in anger as he struggled to keep himself on his pedes, some objects falling off the desk as he caught himself. Quickly whipping around, he came face-to-face will Bulkhead, who quickly shrank back from the stare. "Uh... Sorry Ratchet, didn't mean to hit-", the wrecker stopped, deciding to silence himself as he attempted to give an apologetic smile before grabbing the lob and running back down the hall. Ratchet could hear Miko loudly announcing something about her band as multiple engines built up in volume.

Rubbing his face in irritation, he returned to his work, attempting to finish as quickly as possible before the children could walk in and cause chaos. He heard pedes walking up behind him, causing the medic to groan and turn around, about to yell at the wrecker before freezing. Optimus stood a few feet away, an optic ridge raised in question as Ratchet stumbled over his words. He finally settled with silence as he glanced at the floor for a moment before turning back to his work, grumbling to himself in embarrassment.

He felt metal touch his shoulder lightly, causing him to sigh and hesitantly turn toward his leader, who had a concerned expression on his face. "I apologize for startling you." The mech started, trying to find the right words to comfort his friend that now had some blue on his face in embarrassment. "How was you're recharge?" He continued calmly, deciding that the medic would prefer they change subjects. Ratchet visibly relaxed as he grunted, shrugging his shoulders lightly. "Didnt get to do it long. Not with all this work thanks to the kids interrupting me so often."

This caused the leader to think as he stared at the nearby wall, his optics flickering around every few seconds. "What if we all left you here to rest? I'm sure the kids will enjoy the change in scenery." Ratchet was about to dismiss it before stopping, realizing he could just finish his work instead of sleeping like Optimus suggested. "Yes...yes I think I like that idea." The medic spoke, nodding his head as he looked up in thought of the hours of silence he would finally get. Optimus smiled lightly as he spoke into the commlink, asking everyone to join him and Ratchet in the main room. After a few seconds, the sound of loud footsteps came from down the hallway, causing Ratchet to cringe as he braced himself for the insanity of his team.

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