Last Chance (ArtyBette Hogwarts AU)

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Artemis frowned up at the sky as if each individual cloud had done her a great personal wrong. How could a day be so beautiful, when she was so glum?

School was over, and usually that was cause for a celebration, but for Artemis, it meant she was doomed to three months in smoggy downtown London, putting up with her sister and caring for her mother and running from her father. Hogwarts had provided a welcome escape from that life, but now that she had been sorted into Slytherin, her father would be unbearable in his efforts to twist Artemis and her sister into joining his Death-Eater gang.

Artemis had been so bitter she actually made Bette sad. Happy, kind, encouraging, sweet Bette had almost cried, and all because Artemis snapped at her. The very thought made Artemis sick, her knapsack bouncing against her back with every step she took towards the train station.

She had to find Bette quickly, and tell her that she was sorry. She owed Bette, and their friends Richard and Barbara, an explanation for her crass attitude.

She had to tell Bette what she meant to her. She'd been holding it back all year, and if she didn't say it soon she was going to explode.

Bette was still on the platform, helping another first-year locate their kitten. Her Blonde curls were held back by a ribbon a couple shades darker, in a perfect bow she probably tied herself. Artemis's stomach flip-flopped as Bette's beautiful sky-blue eyes landed on her stormy gray ones.

"Hey," Bette said softly.

"Hey," Artemis mumbled, face hot.

"I, uh, wanted to apologize."

Bette faced her, her body open and patient, waiting for Artemis to speak.

"I, well, I was a jerk this morning."

"You kind of were," Bette said. When Artemis's head snapped up from studying the wood grain, Bette was smiling kindly.

"I'm sorry!" Artemis blurted out, all explanation flying out of her mind. Why did she have to be such a schoolgirl?

"I accept your apology," Bette said. "Now, I wanted to tell you that Bruce invited your mom to let your family stay at Wayne Manor this summer."

Artemis's eyes went wide. "Did she say yes?"

"Obviously!" Bette sang. "You and Jade can study with me and Babs and Rick, and even Roy pops by a few times so she won't be entirely bored to death by us.

"Oh I can't wait for you to see the house! I don't even think Bruce has been in all the rooms! It's great for hide-and-seek, and the gardens are so incredible, I think they're even more magical than Hogwarts!"

Artemis watched as Bette did a little dance on the emptying platform.

"This...this is amazing. Why would you guys do this for us?"

Bette stopped, staring at Artemis curiously. "You're my friend, Artemis. And you're Rick's friend too, which just about makes you family."

Bette linked her arm through Artemis's. "I care about you, silly," she said. "Honestly you''re more than just a friend to me."

Artemis turned bright red.

"Hey! Are you losers gonna stay here all summer or what?" Richard called from the window of the train car.

Bette smiled at Artemis, a big, genuine, shining smile that lit up Artemis's day more than the noonday sun already was, and made her insides turn to jelly. Bette tugged her along, leading her onto the train and into the compartment with Barbara and Richard. The four opened the window all the way so they could wave to Hogwarts until the great ancient castle was out of sight.

Then the topic of conversation turned to summer. Babs and Rick recounted everything on their to do list while Bette prattled on about everything they did at the estate out on the seashore, and all the places around the manor she wanted to show Artemis.

The whole time, Artemis gripped her hand on the bench between them.

Maybe this wouldn't be her last chance to tell her after all.

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