"I miss the mountains," (Y/N) sighed.
"Me too," Gar agreed.
Megan sighed herself, looking at the two youngest members of the team hopelessly. It was great to have Beast Boy and (S/N) in a fight, but they were still learning the "boring" part of being heroes. There wasn't really that much to do when all the world-saving was done and there was mountains of paperwork to fill out. Not quite their idea of a majestic mountain.
"Why don't you two go play outside?" She suggested. Conner shouted again from the other room. The kids weren't the only ones who got frustrated with paperwork.
"And do what?" (Y/N) asked.
"You could explore the barn," Megan suggested.
"Sis, the barn got knocked down in the fight with Metallo," Gar reminded her. One of the many reasons that Pa Kent was helping Conner fill out insurance paperwork right now.
Megan placed her hands on her hips. "Then maybe you two can start rebuilding it."
Almost in a puff of smoke, the two kids disappeared before the adults could give them more work to do.
(Y/N) caught her breath, hiding with Gar in the middle of the wheat field. Gar stood on his tiptoes, searching for any sigh of the adults.
"You think they saw us?" He asked.
"Nah, they just wanted us out of the house," (Y/N) collapsed among the fallen stalks and seeds.
"So now whudda we do?" Gar asked. He fell face-first into the ground next to (Y/N).
(Y/N) shrugged. "We could talk about our feelings?"
"Pass," Gar said, muffled by the ground. He quickly sat up and spat out a mouthful of dirt.
Having filled their lungs once again, (Y/N) and Gar both stood up, almost in sync, and started walking through the shelter of the wheat, nothing to hear but the wind whistling through the stalks. When they finally emerged on the edge of the field, they looked around. Nothing but corn and wheat as far as the eyes could see. No trees, no ocean, and definitely no mountains. Smallville had that nice, quaint, small-town feel around Christmas time, but any other time of the year it was just...boring.
Gar suddenly looked down at (Y/N)'s hands, struck with an idea. "Your powers!" He shouted. He scared a couple crows, but no one else was around for miles to hear them, much less see them.
"Huh?" (Y/N) asked stupidly.
"Your powers! You can move boulders, can't you? Then you can move them to make a mountain!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down.
"Gar, where am I gonna get boulders? They've all been cleared for the corn!"
"Then use the dirt, duh!"
"Oh," (Y/N) hit the side of her head in the same fashion Megan used all the time when something was obvious. "But why would we make a mountain? Won't people notice a mountain popping up in boring ol' Kansas?"
"To make it less boring, of course."
(Y/N) thought for a moment. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aqualad had all been on their case lately to be more "discreet" and "covert" with her powers. If they couldn't do that in their downtime, who would believe they could do it on a mission?
"How about a hill, or something smaller?" They asked.
Gar pouted for a moment. "Fine. As big as the house?"
(Y/N) squinted at the Kent farm house in the distance. "Fine. As big as the house. Now go find us a spot that's not covered in corn or farms stuff, so we won't get in that much trouble."
Gar whooped for joy, leaping into the air with a flip that turned him into a robin. He had disappeared and was back in two seconds. "Found it!"
(Y/N) followed their bird-friend to said empty spot of land, the spot that had formerly boasted the Kent's Barn.
They shrugged, and closed their eyes, reaching down into the earth at their feet.
The dirt swirled in front of them like a whirlpool, almost as if it were liquid. It sunk down first, and then swelled up suddenly, like a balloon. A rather decent-sized hill, not too steep, and not too short. Perfect for pretending to be king of the world.
Gar transformed back into his human form, judging it critically. "Adequate, but it doesn't look appealing enough."
"Appealing? All you wanted was not-boring!"
"Yeah, and it's just brown. It's not fun, it's dull."
"What, do you want Aqualad to water it and hope that the grass just magically springs up?"
They were silent for a moment. Aqualad absolutely would not approve of them creating a hill where the barn was supposed to be rebuilt.
(Y/N)'s eyes were drawn to the side of the farm house, where all the supplies and materials had been salvaged from the barn after the fight, Including a large pile of turf that had cushioned their blow when Metallo threw them and Superboy into the barn.
The two worked quickly, using their powers in the loneliness of Kansas to create an "Appealing, not-boring hill in the Kent's backyard. Gar even found a few of Ma Kent's plants that she was planning to re-pot soon anyway.
"It's perfect!" Gar said at last.
"You're welcome," (Y/N) gave a little bow, "And I got dibs on King of the Hill."
"It was my idea!" Gar turned back into a bird, but (Y/N) stopped him with a clump of dirt thrown in his face. They used the small rocks beneath their feet to propel themselves through the air, landing neatly at the top of their very own hill.
"Okay okay, you've had your turn. Now it's mine," Gar shook the dirt off his face, trying to push (Y/N) to the side.
"Will you just be patient?"
"Pot, kettle," Gar chuckled.
But (Y/N) knew his weakness. They got their hand at his side, gently tickling his ribs. Gar collapsed in laughter, and began rolling down the hill.
He took a moment to recover, spitting grass and a few flower buds. "Thanks, now I've got grass stains all over me."
(Y/N) stuck out their tongue at Gar, "It's not like it's noticeable anyway, you're already green." With a laugh they raised their arms to the sky. "I'm King of the world!" They shouted.
"Garfield! (Y/N)! Megan shouted, finally coming out of the house to see what was going on, followed closely by Conner, Ma, and Pa Kent.
"What on Earth were you thinking?"

"Don't Call Us Sidekicks" [Young Justice]
FanfictionA collection of Young Justice short stories, headcanons, ships (Spitfire and SuperMartian can be found in the respective books I have for them), and AUs. I DO NOT OWN YOUNG JUSTICE OR DC Or the cover art