Frozen AU/Crossover(s)

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There are two different crossovers I have for this:

Crossover #1:

Artemis as Elsa, due to her standoffish personality, only it's her past as the daughter of two villains instead of ice powers that makes her run away after everyone finds out.

M'gann as Ana, because of her peppy, energetic personality and the matching red hair. (Also because Earth Sisters)

Connor as Kristoff, big, burly, but very sweet characters

Gar as Sven the Reindeer because animals.

Wally or Bart as Olaf because the obvious ("It's like a little baby unicorn!")

Psimon as the Duke of Weaseltown because they're both super-annoying

La'gaan as Hans because they're both jerks

And this shows Artemis and M'gann's friendship and closeness, which is something I really need. 

Great now there's three versions, because this could also work with M'gann as Elsa when her White Martian form is revealed and then Gar as Olaf, Artemis as Ana, and Wally as Kristoff.

But the Crossover #2 I originally had is this:

Kaldur as Elsa because of the fabulous hair and the way they both are more introverted

Roy as Ana because of red hair and he's Kal's best friend so it fits

La'gaan as Olaf (pft why not)

Donna Troy as Kristoff

Cheshire as Hans

And yeah. DISNEY.

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