Hopekook II

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Not really a whole lot changes after Jeongguk and Hoseok confessed to each other, except now they sleep together nearly every night and the last half hour (or sometimes hour, if Jeongguk is lucky) of their late night dance practices ends up with them making out against the mirrors. So maybe not a lot has changed, but every moment of it makes Jeongguk happier than he's been in years. And he knows Hoseok feels the same, can see it in his Beta's eyes when they're alone. For so long it had seemed like Hoseok was holding himself back, but he doesn't have to anymore. Jeongguk craves the casual touches that come sporadically throughout the day, careful not to attract the eyes of their band mates. He loves the soft words they whisper to each other at night, and shivers still run down his spine whenever Hoseok calls him bunny.

On this particular night, it doesn't take much convincing on Jeongguk's part to get Hoseok to push him against the mirror and claim his lips. Jeongguk doesn't question the change, however. He's more than happy to have Hoseok's lips on his own. Over the past couple of weeks they've grown more and more adventurous with each other. For awhile it was the same chaste kisses they shared the first time in the dance studio, but gradually they built and built into something more until Hoseok finally pried Jeongguk's lips open and their tongues tangled together, under the cover of dark in their shared bedroom. It had been a little awkward at first, a little messy, but Jeongguk was always a quick learner and Hoseok is an amazing teacher.

So now, Jeongguk kisses Hoseok back with ease, their tongues tangling together like silk. Hoseok has his hands planted on either side of Jeongguk's head, his thigh pressed between the Omega's, and Jeongguk is rutting into it with hardly concealed passion. They've been steadily working up to something like this, trading chaste kisses for longer, fuller ones and toying with the edges of lust. Jeongguk has absolutely no qualms with taking the Next step, but Hoseok is always so careful, always worried he'll scare Jeongguk away.

But it takes a lot to scare Jeon Jeongguk, so he pulls Hoseok closer with a firm grip on the Beta's waist, fingertips dipping under his shirt to touch all that warm, smooth skin. He moans into their kiss as the change in position shifts the pressure on his aching cock, giving him more room to grind against.

Hoseok pulls away, looking down at Jeongguk with heavy-lidded eyes. "What's this?" He asks, pushing his thigh up into Jeongguk's crotch. Jeongguk bites back another moan, embarrassment heating his face. "Is my little bunny horny?" Hoseok teases.

Jeongguk ducks his head but can't stop his hips from twitching, still grinding against Hoseok. His fingers tangle into the fabric at the hem of Hoseok's shirt, clenching it in his fists for something to do. "I-I'm always horny." He stammers, blushing harder. He peeks his gaze up to see Hoseok's eyes darkening, his smile almost predatory. It makes Jeongguk shudder.

Hoseok leans down, nipping at Jeongguk's earlobe before whispering, "Do you want hyung to help you?" His breath is hot on Jeongguk's skin, and he feels like his burning up from the inside out.

Jeongguk whines, clutching harder at Hoseok's shirt. "Please, hyung." He pleads, looking at Hoseok with those wide doe-eyes. "P-please help m-me."

"Oh, bunny." Hoseok sighs, pressing little kisses under Jeongguk's ear, down his jaw. "Don't worry, hyung will take good care of you."

Jeongguk finds himself pushed to the floor, splayed out on his back parallel to the mirrors they had been leaning against. Hoseok is looming over him, kneeling between Jeongguk's spread legs and eyeing his prone form with open hunger. Jeongguk watches as the Beta's eyes trace over his clothed form like he can see right through it. Jeongguk squirms under his gaze, blush creeping down his neck and seeping into his chest. "Hyung," he whines. "You said you would h-help."

Hoseok gives him that same predatory smile. "Just be patient, Ggukie. I've been waiting for this for a long time. I want to make it last." But he does finally lean down. Jeongguk cranes his neck up, attempting to meet Hoseok in the middle, but Hoseok bypasses his lips all together and goes straight for his jaw, nipping at the sensitive skin underneath, achingly close to the scent glands nestled there. Jeongguk whines, letting his head drop back down. Hoseok growls, just a little bit, deep in his throat, and captures one of those scent glands between his teeth.

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