[7] A new start

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Ok so more be me more chill vids up top ^^^ headphone users beware ( me : asks myself who uses headphones while reading fanfics? )


[ Y/n's pov: ]

Today was the best day of school. And I know that some of you are thinking, " Ohh how could that be the best day of school when every day in your school sucks?! " Well that's an obvious thing to point out and it's pretty obvious why today is the best day of school..... BECAUSE IT'S THE LAST!!!!!!

This school was a hell hole and it was filled with so many bad memories. Bullies, broken friendships and the constant feeling of anxiety was all this school has given me. It is true that I valued my education but when you're in this thunder dome who wouldn't wanna escape. 

I would finally be leaving all this, this school, the many people who looked down and bullied me and every thing I've been through. I would finally have a shot at being normal, a new and better me. All that it takes is a little reinvention right?


That was the bell of our last period. Seriously, our teacher still gave us a pop quiz on the last day of school ! But whatever, tomorrow I would be leaving this thunder dome.

I left the classroom and navigated these dangerous halls. I avoided any eye contact at all, trying hard to remain unseen. But sadly, I wasn't such a lucky person.

I was shoved by one of the Heathers and fell, dropping some of the books I was carrying.

" Don't think you're safe yet Y/n" one of them said.

" Will make sure to make your life more painful as soon as you step back into this school " said another.

" Ha, you won't be seeing me in this hell hole again. I'm leaving, gone for good. And besides, your toxic faces were starting to give me a brain tumor" I shot back.

Veronica expression seemed to change went I mentioned I was leaving, but that was it. She just stood there alongside her so-called friends.

" Ohhh I'm gonna kill you, you piece of-----" the leader said but she was cut off by me running towards the door of the school.

" You ain't getting a piece of this" I yelled at her as I raced towards the door.

" Goodbye Westerburg High " I yelled.

" Well actually bad bye coz going to school here SUCKED!!!!! I also yelled while triumphantly exiting the door and running towards my mom's car. The Heathers were way behind me as I got in.

" Hey Sweetie, are you excited for the big move? " my mom asked.

" I can tell that it's gonna be a new start " I replied.

My mom started driving us home and as we past the front of the school, I could see the Heathers yelling curses at me, and Veronica who casually waved goodbye at me, I waved back as we drove past them. 


We finally arrived at our house and I started packing my things and other stuff that we would need to bring to our new home. I had started packing already a few weeks ago and was just finishing up.

Once I finished, I had dinner with my mom. We started talking about our move to New Jersey. She said that she had found a nice house for us to leave in and that was in a nice neighborhood, not so far from where she worked. She said that she already made arrangements with a high school there and were happy to accept me into their school.

" I am still a bit nervous" I told my mom.

" What if I don't fit in and I end up getting bullied again"

" I wouldn't want us to move again especially when you've already got a steady job" I said.

" I don't wanna go through everything that happened to me this year again" I said.

" Don't worry so much sweetie, it'll be fine" she replied.

"Can we try to have an optimistic outlook, huh? "

" Can we buck up just enough to see the world won't fall apart? "

" Maybe this year, we decide "

" We're not giving up before we've tried "

" This year, we make a new start " she sang.

" Well, I guess so" I replied.

" Good, we leave at 8. Good night Y/n" she said to me with a smile.

" Good night too mom" I replied and made my way to my room.


Now I was just on my bed wondering how was it going to be like there in New Jersey. Of course it was just a few states away from here but I was still wondering how my life would be there. Would people accept me? Would it be for the better? Or, would it just be Westerburg High all over again? These questions filled my head as I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Well whatever. I would just have to accept my fate. There was no turning back. It was about time I went to sleep and I did, dreaming sweet nothings as the night went by.



I turned off my alarm. I was 7 in the morning. 

" And now, of course, it's time to hit the road"

" I hope the drive won't make me uncomfortable all day "

" Today is really gonna be such a change " 

" I might feel weird or might feel super strange " 

" And my life could be in utter disarray "

" I might be called a freak and that's not okay "

" Good morning time to start the day! " I sang

I changed into my regular clothes and got some breakfast. While getting breakfast, I noticed that the movers were already here. They looked like they were just finishing up. My mom approached me and said.

" Better have all your things ready Y/n" she said.

" Yes Mom! " I replied.

She smiled at me. " I hope you're excited for our big move to New Jersey ! " she said.

" Yeah, can't wait " I said, with not as much enthusiasm.

[ Time skip]

We got in the car and drove away. I was looking back at my house, my neighborhood, the things and people I've known for years. I was leaving it all behind me. I was going to live in a place I haven't even been to yet, start a new life there, meet new people and make new memories.  

This really was going to be a new start for Y/n L/n.


Thanks for reading this !!!

I hoped that you enjoyed this. We will be having more Be More Chill now and I will try to update as much as I can. <3


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