[11] Christine

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I make my way to the cafeteria, again avoiding any eye contact at all and trying hard, to remain unseen.

I pushed through the crowds and finally made it to the cafeteria. I was a bit worried about finding a seat. I didn't want to end up in a " you can't sit with us " situation like in Mean Girls. It would be utter humiliation. I decided to try to find an empty table and look around the cafeteria.

Something on the wall caught my attention.

There was a bulletin board covered with many announcements and sign-up sheets for many extra-curricular activities. I went over to it to take a look.

" Hmm, they didn't have a school play in Westerburg" I said to myself.

" Ohh, so are you interested in signing up for play rehearsals?" someone from behind me said.

I turned around to see an asian looking girl with black hair, a jean jacket, a checkered dress and green tights.

" Ohh, umm I'm new here so I'm not so sure" I replied.

" You should really join, I mean play rehearsal is the best!!!" she replied.

" I haven't really had that much experience with theater so umm I don't know" I replied.

" Ohh so you're a virgin" she replied.

" Ummm....yeah" I replied a bit awkwardly.

" You haven't had your first rehearsal" she said.

Ohh now I get what she was saying.

" Well you shouldn't have any doubts about it cause well:

[ a/n: you should probably play the video now]

 " I love play rehearsal"

"Because it's the best!"

"Because it is fun"

"I love play rehearsal"

"And I get depressed as soon as it's done"

"Ohh umm ok" I replied. I just stood there, with this girl as she started to sing,

"But not depressed as in like kill yourself depressed"

"No, I'm not into self-harm"

"Dude, I swear, here check my arm!"

"See, I just use the word to emphasize a point"

"Show the passion that I've got"

"I am passionate a lot"

"I have mad, gigantic feelings"

"Red and frantic feelings"

This was starting to get a bit weird. Occasionally people would shoot us glances but they didn't really seem to care. Do theater obsessed girls sing about how much they love play rehearsal everyday? 

"About most everything"

"Like gun control, like spring"

"Like if I'm living up to all I'm meant to be"

"I also have a touch of ADD"

" Where was I?"

"Oh, right!"

"I love play rehearsal"

"'Cause you are equipped with directions and text

"Life is easy in rehearsal"

"You follow a script so you know what comes next"

"Anywho the point that I'm getting to is sometimes life can't"

"Work out in the way"

"It works out in the play''

"Like the only time I get to be the center of attention"

"Is when I'm Juliet"

"Or Blanche DuBois"

"And can I mention?"

"That was really one of my best roles"

"Did you see that?"

"Umm" I replied

"And no matter how hard I try"

"It's impossible to narrow down the many reasons why-y-y"

"I love play rehearsal"

"I happiness cry whenever it starts!"

"It's just so universal"

"Getting to try playing so many parts"

"Most humans do one thing for all of their lives"

"The thought of that gives me hives!"

Well that's pretty true. I've seen and known many people who aren't that productive in life. I might as well be one. We can't deny that that happens a lot and it sucks.

"I've got so many interests I wanna pursue"

"And why am I telling this to you?"

"I was just, wondering the same thing."

"Guess there's a part of me that wants" to she sang.

"Umm ok then" I replied.

" I really hope that you would try out play rehearsal, I mean it is amazing !" she said

I ended up signing up for play rehearsal. Well, I didn't want her doing another solo.

As I was signing the my name on the sign up sheet, the girl was screeching with joy.

" Ohh you're really not gonna regret this decision. Play rehearsal is gonna be a wonderful experience. And, I'll be there with you as we own the stage ! " she said to me.

" We talk more about this at my table" she said as we started walking toward her table.

I guess I didn't have to worry about finding a seat.

" Ohh wait, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Christine, Christine Canigula. " she said as we sat at her table.

" And I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n. " I replied.

"Well, it is nice to make your acquaintance" she replied.

" And, consider me now as your new friend. You're gonna need help navigating this school since your new and all, and I would gladly take that responsibility. You seem like a nice person" she said.

" Ohh umm ok, you seem pretty nice as well" I replied. She did kinda act a bit like a weirdo especially for theater, but I could tell that she was fun and nice person.

We ate and talked for the rest of the lunch period and we surprisingly have a bunch of stuff in common. She told me more about the school and I told her about my old one. She was pretty surprised at what I told her and promised me that she wouldn't let those things happen to me here.

Once the bell rang we headed to our classes. I did have a few classes with her so we would continue to talk and hangout.

When school was finally over, we exchanged phone numbers and promised to text each other.

I survived the first day and even mad a new friend. I couldn't help but feel a bit optimistic about this new school, then I remembered, there was still the guy from the halloween party. I'll try to take him off my mind for now.


Thanks for reading my story!!! I know it's a bit boring and trashy but it's getting to the good parts. I'll try to update a bit more.


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