[10] Middle Borough High

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I spent my summer just doing small things. My mom and I spent those two months just getting settled into our new home. Sure we would go to the mall, the park, some restaurant or public pool but that was it. I spent most of the days at home doing the normal things I do here. [a/n: I felt like putting Heere...] Sometimes, while I'm just hanging by my window, I can see my neighbor and the guy from the party going to hang out. Once, I accidentally made eye contact with my neighbor, he waved at me and when I waved back I immediately covered my face with my curtains coz the guy from the party turned to look at me too. I looked back at them seeing my neighbor smirking and nudging the guy from the party ( his best friend). That was basically how my summer went.


Today is the day before the first day of school. I am pretty nervous about it. I've been going on and on about my insecurities and fears about this school. I should probably try to look on the bright side. I have all my things ready so far. My notebooks, binders, pens, sketchbook and books are all there in my backpack. I usually find ways to avoid contact with people or awkward conversations. I'm not anti-social, I just don't think people would want to talk to someone like me. This is why I'm always equipped with my phone and my earbud ( to be able to read fanfics and listen to my favorite songs) , my sketchpad ( for doodling and stuff ) and a book, coz why not [a/n: if you don't do any of those things then choose whatever]. 

I better get some rest. I'm still a bit nervous for the first day of school but I still need some shut-eye. I hope that things will go for the better.



C-c-c c'mon, c-c-c- c'mon. Go, go

C-c-c c'mon, c-c-c- c'mon. Go, go

Ok...I'm awake. Today's the day. I get up and get changed and go downstairs for breakfast. My mom is already at work so I prepare and eat some cereal. 

The bus will arrive in a few minutes so I get my things ready (and myself) and head out the door. But now I am having second thoughts. Should I take a bus or walk instead? 

I mean, the school is kinda near my house. I've had so many awkward situations on a bus. Well, it is a hunk of metal with a bunch of angsty teenagers packed inside. There are always those situations where you have trouble finding your seat, being me and having no friends, that happened on a daily basis. 

I sometimes end up sitting with a bunch of sweaty guys who don't bother using deodorant and getting glares from people while I'm just standing and walking around the bus trying to find a seat. Sometimes, when I do have a seat, and even a space beside me, people who are desperately trying to find a seat (especially boys) see that there's a space beside me and hesitate to sit, giving me a glare of disgust even if their knees are weak and their palms are sweaty. It's obvious that their backs are sore from carrying their backpacks but they just stand there. They'd rather go through all that then sit beside me. Seriously, why can they just take the damn seat! Well they're the ones who'll suffer anyways, and I get more space to myself.

I decided to walk to school. I lock the door of my house and start walking to school, passing by the many houses in our neighborhood and people getting out for work and for school. I just enjoy the morning sun and the fresh air. I mean, it's a good way to calm my nerves right?

-----Time skip-----

I'm finally here. Middle Borough High, that's what it says on the sign in front of the school. I remember seeing it when I first came to New Jersey, wondering about how my life would be at here, at this new place, at this new school. I can a see a bunch of students rushing into the school. Well yay! First day of senior year. Note the anxiety and sarcasm.

"I feel my body moving through the air"

"It's me and my converse walking over there"

"Take a shaky breath and I prepare"

"Who cares if people might think I'm lame"

"These people are going through this hell, and I'll do the same"

"I step right in, time to seize the day"

I take a deep breath and I'm in. This school is nice I guess, pretty normal so far. I guess I need to go get my schedule at the office. The hallway seems to be crowded, with all these teens. This might be tough, but challenge accepted. I'll find a way to navigate these dangerous halls.

I just keep walking through the crowd, slightly getting shoved by people as I walk by. I am getting to see this school a bit more each second I'm here. I can see girls reuniting with high-pitched screams and updating each other on the latest gossip, jocks reuniting with high fives and bro hugs. I see friends reunite, some even crying overseeing their friends or are laughing so loudly at jokes that don't even make sense. Everything seems pretty normal so far. I can see many things familiar an different. I finally find a map of the school and make my way through the crowd, still trying hard to remain unseen. 

As I kept walking I passed my neighbor and the guy from the party. There he was with his red hoodie and white earphones, drinking a slushee. I stared at him for a while and he looked up at me. We were staring at each other for a few seconds, eyes meeting and hearts pounding.  I finally came back to my senses and looked away and started walking towards the office again, a bit faster now.

As I was walking I could hear him yell from behind.

" Hey, wait! " he said.

Now I was running, trying to get him off my tracks. I could feel his presence behind me so I ran even faster. Well, all I ever do is run.

I looked back and he was finally out of sight. I made my way to the office and got my schedule.


I finally reached my first class and took a seat a bit near the back. 

" Class, we have a new student today," our teacher said.

" Let's welcome Y/n L/n to our school" 

"  Oh umm hi " I replied.

My classes went by normally and I was still stuck thinking about when I saw the guy from the party in the hallway, how we just stared at each other, just like what we did at the party.

Well, I just gotta say that that's what I get out of my first day of senior year. I might see him in the cafeteria so I better take some precautions.


Hello, I've had some writer's block for a while so now I'm back. Sorry if my work is complete garbage. I still hoped that you enjoyed it though. Y/n is in the senior year since this happens the school year after The Play/Squip Incidents. In the song "More than Survive", Jeremy sang  "A junior on the bus is killer weak" and I supposed that he was referring to himself, being a junior. So after junior he becomes a senior and is in the same grade as Y/n.


Don't take the things I mention like being the loser, or the geek, or the whatever personally. I don't want my fanfics to make you guys have low self-esteem or for you to have low esteem in general. If you do then just take the time to appreciate how amazing you are ( not narcissistically though ) coz you've got better things to do than keep looking down at yourself.

xBingoFlamingo_05  <3

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