Chapter Five | Trapped

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Aiko always loved the sight of the Yamazakura during spring. The different shades of soft pink and the soft breeze was somewhat a sight from paradise. It was her favourite time to be in the garden, or so it was up until this moment.

This moment that she had been stuck in.

It always stared the same, with her painting the soft pink hues of the tree and humming a slight tune. The only difference was there was no birds chirping and a deafening silence. She couldn't run even if she knew what was coming. She just had to accept her fake tranquility before it was shattered.

"Aiko, come inside right now," her mother called in rapid Japanese. The urgency had Aiko drop everything and rush to inside. She took off her shoes in the genkan, and went the the main living room.

Aiko gave a deep bow upon the sight of her cousin, Erai, and a quiet greeting. Erai was the head of the family and required the highest amount of respect. They both could pass off as siblings with the same strong features and inky black hair.

He was an asshole, in Aiko's opinion but she didn't want to die so she kept that to herself. Her family business had dark roots and she knew the best way to survive was to keep your head down and mouth shut.

Aiko's mother rushed around to prepare tea for her cousin and two of his men. They both sat down, ready to see what Erai required from her. Aiko of the past was naive to what horror's were about the occur but the present one knew better, but had no control. Once again, it was his fault. It was always Erai's fault.

Aiko was in her mind, watching the scene take place like it was a movie she had seen many times before, but the feelings never faded. She felt everything the same way she did that day.

Erai would start off sweetly, making small talk about the weather and other pitiful topics before his behaviour would change.

"Aiko, you always seemed so innocent and quiet. I was just so surprised to find out it was all an act, you whore."

Aiko was shocked by his words. She had never done anything with anyone so why was he making these accusations. She wouldn't need to even ask before Erai stood up and started shouting.

Her mother came to see what the commotion was about but was easily restrained by his men.

His words were muddled to the shocked Aiko, but the only thing that made sense was that his sister had made demands and he was following them, even if it meant destroying another family member.

What type of family turns on each other?

The type that was full of snakes. 

From the second he grabbed her face, to the glint of his knife, it was then when Aiko realised that family wasn't made from blood but rather ashes used to build bridges.

Aiko couldn't even close her eyes, stuck in this nightmare, when his knife started to slice her face.

A piece of her soul was sliced away that day.

However, something was different in this nightmare and she only noticed it when the scene dissolved.


The cherry blossom trees were fully bloomed, and the sky an almost perfect shade of blue. There was a slight ominous touch of darkness that made Rafael quickly get to his feet. His head was pounding, as he staggered forward.


He knew a trap when he saw it and it was fucking hard to be on guard when he kept wincing with each movement. His body didn't feel his own. It feel different.

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