Chapter Thirty-Two | Offer

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"You are not going," Theron commanded. Talia noticed how similar he behaved to Rafael. She didn't mention it as she was sure he would be offended and worse.

"You are not the boss of me," Talia replied. She had sent the coordinates to the pilot, who had been on call since last night when she first started running her software.

"And who exactly is the boss of you?"

"He is standing by the door," Talia replied, knowing that Theron might not be expecting that answer. From there, she ignored all badgering attempts to get off the mission. The place of their target was protected by a number of high-level security walls. She needed closer access to breach and override the security or Theron would be walking straight into a suicide mission. She was extremely necessary for the success. Rafael knew it. Micah knew it. However, Theron had not got the family memo apparently.

It was not long before she had packed her set up and was ready to leave. Micah was on the phone whispering, while Rafael and Theron were sulking at opposite ends of the room. Talia sighed. Family reunions were never fun, and she wished she hadn't been a part of this one.

The bright lights of Las Vegas faded. They all shared a car to the private airport, the mood of none of them improving on the journey. If anything, Talia welcomed the silence. It gave her time to gather her thoughts, which she hadn't had a chance since meeting Theron at the casino. In summary, she needed to complete this mission and she needed to get out. The rest of her baggage could wait until she was free.

They arrived at the airport with two aeroplanes ready for take-off. Rafael stormed towards one plane after exchanging a few words with Theron. A guy opened the boot and started taking out her equipment. He handled it roughly, dropping it to close the boot.

"Careful," threatened Talia. They would not have time to replace anything that was damaged.

Theron turned around and growled in their direction.

Talia rolled her eyes as she had her back to him. She was going to have to deal with this wild man and Micah in a confined space for hours and she was no looking forward to it. At least there was no real airport security. She waited for the man to take her equipment onto the plane and waited for Micah's further instructions.

"Good luck," Micah said, glancing in Theron's direction. He was already halfway up the stairs. Micah walked away to the other plane, leaving her all alone with Theron. Talia opened her mouth to say something but decided against. Complete the mission, get out at any cost.

Talia walked up the stairs, slipping her hand into the front pocket of her hoodie to reassure that her knife was still there. There was no telling how this journey was going to end and Theron's unpredictability soothed no one.

The take-off was smooth. Talia decided to spend her time working, while Theron napped or faked it. Either way worked in her advantage of ignoring him. She just failed to keep her guard up after a few hours and was startled when he spoke.

"You should find a new boss."

Talia's eyes flickered to his reflection on one of her many screens. He was stilling lying back in the reclined seat with his eyes closed. Talia continued tapping on her keyboard, thinking of a reply. On one hand, Theron hated Rafael by the looks of things, but on the other hand, they were still brothers, and she didn't want any badmouthing her current boss by agreeing. Instead, she decided to look to the future, "I will retire soon enough."

"I can help you get out," he offered. Talia knew better than to make any more deals when she was still trying to finish her current one. She had an advantage of knowing Rafael's negotiation tactics whereas Theron was a wildcard. It would be stupid to even consider his offer.

"No thanks."

"You shouldn't decline a good offer so quick." Theron wanted her to reconsider since he was offering again. Talia's mind was made but she needed to get him off her back, since he might spend the rest of the trip on her case.

"Your offer is... contradictory. I won't be switching one Lykos for another." Talia had a taste of Theron and decided it wasn't for her. Not than Rafael was any better. She just enjoyed the benefits that came with serving him. Theron seemed to have something more going on than the island, and... and kidnapping.

The ghost of their past whispered from the clouds.

"You are a fool to think you can get of my family alone then." His words would be ominous if Talia hadn't seen the Rafael in action. She knew far too many secrets, had seen way too many deaths and was an overall liability if she wasn't on their side. Besides, there was only one way out the mafia; death.

Her attention was stolen when they finally flew within a distance where she could finally override security. The coordinates lead to an island on the outskirts of Japan. The island was not any official map the dark web always held crumbs of the many islands hidden from public view. Talia decided to disguise their landing as a food parcel delivery. She informed the captain of his cover and waited until landing before launching her attack.

"You will have a 30 minute window to get and out. The systems will then be rebooted." Talia turned around to face him. He still lounged on the decline seat, studying her. It was easier to ignore him with her back to him but right now the attention left her uncomfortable.

"I only need 10 minutes, Tally." A feral smile on his lips. They both then listened to the captain and got ready for landing. When the plane touched the ground, Talia unstrapped and leaped out of her seat to get her cyber-attack ready. With the doors open and the system shut down, Theron left the plane. The pilot joining Talia with a gun in his hand to guard her back.

The battle was going to begin, except it turned out to be more of a slaughtering.


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