Chapter Twenty Six | Boat

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The sun shone even on the darkest of souls. Yet the light would turn away if it notices an inkling of darkness tainting the soul of another. These moments in the light, was when Theron loved to remind the people to be weary of him. He was alone but he could bring everyone to its knees. And that was exactly his current plan.

Theron adjusted his sunglasses as he took in the crowd. There were far too many people for his taste, as he preferred the quiet. To aid with his boredom, he decided to have a little fun today. There were never repercussions for his actions as he had made an agreement with the Government years ago and they knew better than to anger a Lykos.




Theron's eyes wandered around the harbour, searching for his latest source of entertainment. He sometimes like to cause a few incidents. A girl caught his eye. She wasn't paying any attention as she rapidly typed on her phone, but most importantly, she was alone. A new plan formulated quickly. A target acquired. Theron approached the girl, accidentally bumping into her. She murmured a sorry but ignored him. She was just what he needed to shake up this boring trip.

Theron circled the harbour, unbeknownst to him that someone was watching him. The second time that he was going to bump into the girl, he was going to grab her and take her on a little trip. He was so close to her, that he didn't expect someone else to interrupt his motion. Another girl entered the picture. He could hear her telling the girl about his behaviour, as they both glanced at him, scaring away his prey. His original target scurried away, glancing over her shoulder, very much alert of her surroundings.

The interruption should've made him mad, but he was rather amused that someone thought they could stop him from ill-intent. She would easily replace his original prey as payback. She made eye contact with him, which she didn't break, when he didn't look away. Theron approached her confidently. Her attempt of intimidation did nothing to him. She wanted to be seen by him and now she held his focus.

Theron pulled a gun from his waistband and pressed it against her. She attempted to break his nose by bash her head into his face, but Theron's reflexes allowed him to move out of the way. She tried a few ways to attack him but struggled until Theron had her pressed against the rail, with the gun pressed against her back, just underneath her bag.

"We are going for a little trip," Theron whispered into her ear.

"Or I could scream," she suggested. Her attempt to manoeuvre of direct danger hadn't turned out very well.

"Then you end up dead." Theron had been playing this game far too long to know how everything panned out.

"And this alternative is better?" She still struggled but it didn't get her anywhere.

"The choice is yours," he replied, with a smile. He knew which alternative she was going to choose.

Life was far sweeter than death.

"Not much of a choice now is it," she murmured.

"Walk," Theron commanded. He was over this conversation. She listened without a fuss this time, probably trying to bid her time for the moment that Theron showed a sign of weakness. He didn't make foolish mistakes. She was out of luck.

Theron arrived at a boat and allowed her to get on while he still had one hand holding her wrist. He hopped on once she had her feet, causing the boat to rock uneasily by the motion. He put down the cut and grabbed a knife, cutting the straps of the backpack off her back.

"Watch the hair," she complained.

"Put the lifejacket on, we are going for a little trip." He pushed her down, next to the life jacket. He gave her the opportunity to put her arms through the life jacket, while he pulled out the zip ties, he kept handy. He didn't bother giving her instruction as he grabbed both hands, tying them together. Pulling out a sleeping mask, he placed it over her eyes, despite her protests. He started the boat and took her on the little trip he promised.

"Kidnapping is illegal," she grumbled. when the engines had cut. Theron had found a nice little spot to float around in the middle of the ocean.

"What's your name?" Theron asked, as he unzipped her bag.

"So is that," she replied, upon hearing the zip of her bag.

"You love talking don't you." Usually people would cry and beg for mercy, but she hadn't seemed to get the memo of the usual human responses to kidnapping. He pulled out her purse and unzipped to check the contents.

"Oh look, another reason for me to sue you." She seemed to be very in tune with her senses, Theron noted. She knew exactly what he was doing.

"You love counting, don't you."? Theron tried to distract her.

"And you love committing felonies." Little did she know he was immune to the laws. Not only was he not human, he had lived longer than most government systems around the world.

Theron pulled out her driving license. He wanted a name first. Just to see if she was super rich and he could hold her ransom to spice up his life. His random moments of theft were easily pushed under the rug when his victims were returned to land and tried to report him. The blindfold helped distort their memories of how he looked.

"Talia, more like Tally," he joked.

"Ha-ha, very clever. Your prize is to let me go," Talia replied sarcastically. Theron didn't want to let her go just yet. By now he would've finished rifling through the contents and set their journey back to land, but he was having a little too much fun with Talia. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed interacting with another human.

"No, I think we should extend this trip for a little longer." Theron started the engine of the boat. It was time to take a trip to the island.


Oh to be kidnapped by a werewolf and taken to an island. 

I forgot it was Friday until it was extremely late. I can't keep track of the days anymore lol. 


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