Twenty Five | Knife

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The interrogation room in the Lykos Estate was on the top floor. The whole floor was soundproof, and prisons couldn't exactly have some sort of great escape moment. It was proven easier to sneak someone out the basement than from the top floor over the years of organised crimes. Rafael tied Erai to a wonky wooden chair. The rotten chair had been used many times before in the room so anyone who sat on it was extremely unfortunate.

Erai was still knocked out but according to Micah's diagnosis, he would wake up. There had been many times that Rafael had accidentally killed a man far too early. Rafael decided to leave him to wake up before he started to torture him. There was no point in sitting and waiting for him to wake. After Rafael grabbed something to eat, he decided to check up on their little guest with a kitchen knife.

Erai glared at Rafael when he entered the sound-proof room. That's all he could currently do from his position, not that a gun helped his plight. Another man to underestimate Rafael. The only difference is Rafael had something personal to settle with him. Erai's eye caught sight of the knife and his eyes-widen.

"It's so funny how you still don't know who I am. It's has also become evident that you're not the man behind everything."

"Fuck you," He tried to spit at Rafael, but he had seen that move a million times before. He backhanded Erai, leaving a large red mark in his face. There was drool on his chin from his attempt to spit.

"I say we have a little fun until you give me a name. I'll give you another hint about who I am." Rafael grabbed his chin and started to crave a similar scar as Aiko's. The man would never forget him, if he miraculously survived. Erai's screams coated the walls. The first line of many bleed out.

"George Hawthorne," Erai confessed.

Rafael dropped the knife at the sound of the name.

"What did you say?" He lifted Erai by the collar of his shirt and shook him.

Erai groaned, "George Hawthorne."

Rafael dropped him, the chair falling on its side, and rushed out the room. He had to tell Micah. It was impossible for someone to be him, but it would make sense if it was him. Everything would make so much sense.

Afterall, he was the man responsible for their sister's death all those years ago.


"We need to call him Rafael, he is still our brother. If this is really George, then he had a right to know," Micah argued.

"Theron doesn't want anything to do with us so we should keep it that way. This isn't his business. He turned his back on family." Rafael and Theron had a massive fight that involved them taking separate paths in life. Those paths were not to cross again, in Rafael's opinion.

"Rafael, you're being stubborn. You know I'm right. The last thing we should do is underestimate our enemy." Micah didn't know the details of the fight between two brothers, but he knew they needed help.

This empire was being chipped away.

"We will be fine," Rafael insisted, despite the behaviour he had exhibited when Erai had confessed to the real mastermind behind the plots.

"You were not fine when you were lying in your coma last month. He had a weapon and he is going to use it against us." Micah had seen the threats firsthand and whatever drug that George had created, might lead to their death.

"If anything, bad happens between now and tomorrow, we will contact him," Rafael compromised. Turns out luck was not on his side when a loud band came from the surgery area.


Sandra came to the surgery to read over Aiko's files. Since Micah had cut her off, she had decided to do her own research and get to the bottom of the phenomenon. She stayed in the surgery since the library seemed rather packed when she walked past it earlier. Sandra heard a groan of pain from outside of the door. She didn't have time to react when a man who was bleeding from his face walked in.

Erai had managed to escape after Rafael had left him. The knife was on the floor and the door was open. It had only been a matter of struggling to cut the rope from his hands. The knife had managed to slice his palm as well. When he left the room, he thought the door would be close by but instead found himself on the top floor. He had been sneaking floor by floor until he found an area that looked like it would have medical supplies. He figured out that the Lykos had kidnapped him, and that his stupid whore of a cousin was working with them. If he stayed any longer, then he was as good as dead.

He hadn't expected to run into someone there. Sandra and Erai stared at each other, unsure of their next move. It was like they were both deer caught in headlines. Sandra noticed that the man had similar features to Aiko, but from what she had gathered, Aiko's family was a bad omen. Sandra needed to get out of here.

Erai dived at Sandra to silence her, but with his injuries and blood loss he wasn't quick enough. The door was too far away but locking herself in the supply closest would allow her to get out of direct danger. She pushed the filing cabinet as Erai came too close and kept running. Erai grunted, when it his foot.

The cabinet fell down with a bang, alerting Rafael and Micah that something was not right. Erai had decided that pursuing Sandra was no worth it. Instead he decided he needed to keep moving in case someone had heard their struggle. Rafael decided to follow the trail of blood, while Micah entered the surgery. Rafael knew this meant that they were going to have to contact Theron now.

Erai didn't manage to get far but he saw Aiko. It was all her fault he was in this position in the first place, in his opinion. He opened his mouth to scream at her, but Rafael had caught up.

Erai had lived too long.

Death had graced his path.

The last breath wasted on sin.


Next Update: Friday 4th September 2020

Next Update: Friday 4th September 2020

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