Twenty Two | After

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Sandra was unsure what to make of Aiko's recovery. Strangulation usually had severe effects, but Aiko didn't show signs of any of the symptoms. It was the most peculiar thing. She had to tell Micah to keep an eye on her. Today had taken a wild turn of events that she hadn't had time to truly process. There was no saying that her mind was tricking into thinking that there was something wrong, even though there wasn't. She just wanted to get out of here.

Once Aiko had calmed down, Rafael had carried her back to their room, while Sandra followed behind awkwardly. Micah disappeared soon after Rafael had returned, once again speaking rapidly in Greek to him. The incidents that had taken place had shifted a lot of things. Rafael no longer looked like he wanted to murder her on the spot, but Sandra was sure it was due to the fact that his attention was Aiko, until he left a few moments ago.

Aiko sat by the window, looking scanning the terrain every few moments. Something more had happened in the office aside from a murder attempt. She had explained that Micah and Rafael had been fighting before she was attacked when Aiko asked. There was no point in lying to her. Sandra was already knee-deep in Lykos business, but she didn't prod at the fresh memories for answers. For now, she would sit here in silence, keeping her company. The last thing they needed to leave Aiko alone with all the enemies that lurked in the shadows.

Rafael returned still a mess and dismissed her, "It's been a long day Dr Williams, I think it's time to go home."

Normally, Sandra would take offence by such a suggest, however she was all for leaving. She returned to the library and on her way out she ran into Micah with another person. A girl. The girl was pulling a suitcase behind her, while Micah pulled another bad. Looks like someone was moving in. Just another titbit of information to process.

"Sandra!" Micah called out at the sight of her.

"I need to go home. Too much has happened," the words tumbled out in a mess. She wasn't sure if that was, she said. Micah had to understand. She needed to go. She needed time to process.

She needed to escape from the confinement of the Lykos Estate for her own selfish reasons.


Rafael listened to Sandra's footsteps as they faded away. He didn't issue any threats to her this time. She had not spilt Micah's secrets, so a little murder wasn't going to make her pour out her secrets. With time, she was proving to be more of an asset. Anyway, he had far more important things to ponder about than Dr Williams.

"I'm going to wash up, why don't you get on the bed." Rafael had a blood on his face from when Micah had scratched him earlier. He did not need a medical opinion to know that he had a few cracked ribs. It was a good thing he healed quickly.

Rafael watched as Aiko took one last long look out the window before going to the bed. Rafael went to the bathroom, leave the door open as he cleaned himself up. He hadn't had much of a chance to do so earlier. Once the dried blood was washed away, Rafael used a white towel to wipe his face. There were faint pink lines that would disappear in a few hours.

Aiko was in the middle of the bed, wrapped with the blanket around her shoulders on high alert. Rafael needed to find out what exactly had happened in his office. The massive breach in his defences was alarming and if he could not keep Aiko safe by his side in what he considered the safest house in the world, then he didn't know where he could keep her safe.

Rafael climbed onto the bed, sitting against the headboard. He placed his hands behind his head. There was a short distance between Aiko and Rafael. He was deep in thought wondering how to get the information out of her, since usually when he interrogated a human, he would inflict bodily harm. He refused to use such a method on Aiko.

When Aiko brought her hand to his cheek, he didn't flinch. Her touch was light, and gentle as she traced the multiple scratch marks. Rafael had been touched by many women before but there was something so different about Aiko. She was seeing beneath his surface.

"They will heal," Rafael whispered. She didn't need to worry about him.

"You shouldn't fight with your brother like that," Aiko reprimanded. She had managed to find out from Sandra what the commotion was, and had a good idea that Sandra was at the centre of the fight.

"It's over now, I think," Rafael replied. He couldn't be too sure as Micah's behaviour had been proven to be unpredictable whenever Sandra was in the picture.

Aiko hummed in agreement, but made no movement to return to her spot, craving comfort from Rafael. Her hand had moved down and was now drawing invisible patterns on his biceps.

"What's really bothering you, Agapi Mou?" Rafael lightly nudged.

Aiko's hand stilled.

Rafael held his breath.

"He's coming to get me. Erai's wants me dead," Aiko confessed, and with those words, a dam of tears broke. Aiko had not had a chance to truly cry since the night she was torn from her bed in the middle of the night. Her sight was blurry as she leaned towards Rafael for support.

Each tear was like a shard of glass to his heart.

Rafael pulled her to his chest, allowing her the only comfort and protection he could give her, knowing that words were useless. Today had been a close call and he could've lost her too. He had let his guard down and now he was paying the price for his weakness.

Humans were fragile.

But she was strong.


Who wants to yeet Erai off the planet?

Yeah I suck at keeping up with a schedule. I want to finish part 2 this week but idk how that will go. Also Wednesday's are the worst days to update :/

 Also Wednesday's are the worst days to update :/

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