All I Want Is You

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Whizzer lay in bed, unable to fall asleep, but not exactly wanting to do anything else. So he just lay there, lost in his thoughts. More specifically, his thoughts about a certain someone. He and Marvin have had a little 'thing' going for a while now. Unbeknownst to Marvin's girlfriend Trina, or either of their parents. The one thing always on Whizzer's mind, was how Marvin actually felt about him. Did Marvin really love him? Or did he love having sex with him? It was so hard to tell.

    Whizzer wasn't even sure how he felt about the other boy. One minute Marvin could be sweet, the next, a complete asshole. Maybe he should just call it all off. This fling wasn't fair to Trina, especially if it was only for sex. Whizzer knew he loved the sweet moments, the moments where they cuddled, or just kissed. The moments where they talked about plans for the future. Unfortunately though, those moments were few and far between. Whizzer ran a hand through his fluffy hair, and gave a frustrated sigh.

    Just thinking about all this brought tears to his eyes. Calling it off would be best. The disheartened boy decided that tomorrow he would tell Marvin that it was all over. Slowly, a tear trailed it's way down his face, but was quickly wiped away. He would go through with it, it's the only way.

    Suddenly, a series of rapid fire taps against his window, snapped him out of his reverie. Whizzer silently stepped out of bed, and looked out the window. Standing at the base of the house, was the last person Whizzer wanted to see right now. Marvin. Quickly he went to the door, careful to not wake his parents. Even the slightest of sounds echo around the very small house. He opened the door, and pulled Marvin in, slightly surprising the shorter boy. Together they made their way to Whizzer's room.

    Once they were inside, Whizzer found it safe to speak. "What the hell are you doing here Marvin?" He whisper-shouted. Marvin wouldn't meet his eyes for a second, and laughed nervously. Maybe he was going to call it off first. The thought of that made Whizzer sad despite the fact that he was just planning to do the same thing.

    Finally Marvin looked up. "I broke up with Trina..." Marvin said almost too quietly. So quietly that Whizzer thought he had misheard. At the taller boy's quizzical look, Marvin continued, "I want to be with you, and you only." Finally Whizzer understood, and allowed the smallest of smiles to grace his features. "Are...are you sure...?" He said, hoping that this wasn't some cruel joke. Honestly he wouldn't put it past Marvin.

    "Yes. Yes, I am absolutely sure. Trina didn't really take it all that well, but I couldn't wait any longer." Marvin took Whizzer's face in his hands. "I don't want to just be 'lovers' anymore. I want you to be my boyfriend."

    Finally Whizzer allowed himself to truly smile. He couldn't help it, he kissed Marvin, slowly and sweetly. "What about our families? What about the people at school?" It was a pressing matter, one that had to be addressed. Of course, Marvin just brushed it off. "We don't have to worry about that right now. Let's just take it day by day."

    There was one more thing Whizzer had to address, before they finally made it official. "If you are going to be my boyfriend Marvin, we really need to do something about the way you dress. I refuse to be seen with a man of such grotesque taste." Marvin leaned in for another kiss, but Whizzer stepped out of the way. "I'm serious Marv, it's a real problem."

    "Yeah, we'll get on that tomorrow, but for now, can we just cuddle?" Whizzer couldn't refuse, in fact, he happily agreed. They lay on the bed, Marvin's head on the taller boy's chest. Neither of them could sleep, instead spending the entire night talking and just enjoying the company of each other. Though they were both tired, there's nothing the two of them would rather be doing.

    Soon enough, the sun began to peek over the edge of the horizon. Whizzer led Marvin downstairs, and together they went outside. After a look around confirmed that nobody was watching, Whizzer leaned in and kissed Marvin. "I love you," Marvin said after they pulled away.

    "I love you too. See you at school in a few hours." Then Marvin left, and once again Whizzer was left alone with his thoughts. Oh what a turn the night had taken. The one thing he regrets, is that he didn't sleep. Unfortunately, he has a test in like three classes. Marvin is going to be the death of him.


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