Ya-Ba-Da-Ba It's The 80's

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"Dad, I'm leaving now. Mom and Mendel are here to pick me up." Marvin heard Jason call out. Of course he loves his son, but he's glad that Jason is leaving now. Today is New Years, and he wants to spend the whole day with Whizzer.

Later on Charlotte and Cordelia were coming over for their annual party, but since this is his first New Years with Whizzer, he wanted it to be memorable. For the first time in his life, Marvin will be able to kiss someone he loves at midnight.

Marvin walked toward the front of the house, where Whizzer was already chatting with Mendel and Trina about their plans for today. "Bye, see you guys next year," Whizzer couldn't help but joke. As soon as they shut the door, Marvin pulled Whizzer to the couch for a marathon of their favorite New Years movies.

First they'd watch Rudolph's Shiny New Year which is always a classic. Then Whizzer requested When Harry Met Sally (I know this came out in 1989, but just go with it) because he's always been a sap for romantic comedies. And finally they capped it off with New Year's Evil, because they had to include a horror movie in their marathon.

Marvin loved to watch Whizzer while they were watching movies. He loved the way Whizzer's expression changed based on what was happening in the movie. Sometimes the two would completely disregard the movie, in favor of making out instead.

In fact, they missed most of the first movie. "I love you," Whizzer said, cupping Marvin's face. The two leaned in and kissed sweetly and passionately. Marvin ran his fingers through his lover's silky hair. Briefly they pulled apart for air. Whizzer pushed Marvin down on the small couch, and tried his best to settle down next to him.

They cuddled throughout the rest of first, and entirety of the second movie. Marvin fell asleep during the horror movie, leaving a terrified Whizzer without comfort. Each time someone was killed, Whizzer pushed himself further into Marvin's arms. Whizzer also wanted to kill the misogynistic bastard who kept killing all those women.

"Marv..." He said, trying to shake his boyfriend awake. "Marvin the movie is over. Charlotte and Cordelia should be coming over soon." Finally, after a lot of shaking, Marvin rubbed his eyes and got up.

"We should probably start preparing then." Marvin said picking up a couple things off the floor. "You should probably go make something to eat, since whatever Cordelia's bringing will be inedible."

Marvin continued tidying up the living room and dining area, while Whizzer went to prepare some food. By the time the two ladies knocked on the door, Whizzer had set out bowls of chips, guac, and salsa. He also put out some pizza bites, and a salad (Whizzer liked to keep up his slim figure.)

The lesbians came in holding a bottle of champagne. That specific bottle was to be saved for midnight, but it's not the only alcohol they'll be drinking tonight. "Thank you so much for coming," Whizzer said, hugging the two. "Marvin's upstairs, I made him change his outfit, but he'll be down in a couple minutes.

"I brought food!" Cordelia said holding up a plate. Charlotte made a gesture that let him know that the food wasn't very good.

"Wonderful, I'll go put it in the kitchen," Whizzer took the plate, and dumped it in the trash. He didn't want to be mean, but he wasn't going to try and stomach any of...whatever that is. Hopefully Cordelia would end up getting so drunk she wouldn't notice.

Half an hour later, everyone had a drink in hand, and idle chatter filled the room. Whizzer and Cordelia were keeping it classy with some red wine, while Marvin and Charlotte were happy with a bottle of beer. At this point, it was now 10:00, just two hours until midnight. They had the countdown on the tv (Idk if that existed in the 80's. Don't come for me.) They were all happy and content.

"So, what is everyone hoping for in the new year?" Cordelia asked the group. Everyone took a minute to think about that. What did they all want in the year to come?
Whizzer started laughing, and muttered, "Gay rights." Everyone joined in his laughing. At this time, that's way too much to ask. "Not with the Reagans holding office," Marvin said bitterly. They all sat and looked at each other. Thinking about the fact that their beautiful love for their partners, may never be accepted by the outside world.

"Well I want another happy year with my girlfriend, whether the world approves of us or not!" Charlotte said, kissing Cordelia passionately. Whizzer reached out and took hold of Marvin's hand.

"And I can't wait to spend another year with you," he said leaning over to kiss Marvin. "I want a year of happiness, and a year of friendship with all of you. The unlikeliest of lovers we all are, and yet we make it work. I love you all."

Everyone had the beginnings of tears in their eyes. Just being together was the best thing that has happened to them all.

"Oh Cordelia. Do you remember when we were first introduced to Whizzer?" Charlotte asked excitedly. Whizzer groaned and covered his face. "Not that story again. Please." he begged.

With that, the next hour or so was spent reminiscing about the past year. The past year of friendship, of beauty, of pain, of fights, of good, of bad, and most importantly of love. Before they knew it, there was ten minutes left until midnight.

"Well, whether we're ready or not, the new year is coming up fast," Marvin stated to the group. He realized that there's nobody else he's rather spend today with. These three people are his family. Of course he loves his son, but in this moment, these people are everything to him. He needed to make something right.

Marvin pulled Whizzer aside so he could talk to him privately. "I need to apologize," Whizzer was about to interrupt, but Marvin stopped him. "I need to apologize for the way I was last year, and early this year. I was such an asshole to you and to everyone else. I thought I could have it all.

"It wasn't fair to you, and it wasn't fair to Trina and Jason. I'm saying all this now, because I never truly said sorry. I never truly let you know how I felt. And I want us to let go of it. We need to let go of everything that happened. I love you, and I don't want anything to hold us back from truly being together." Marvin finished his speech with a sigh.

Whizzer just stood there, looking at Marvin. He didn't really know what to say, so he didn't say anything. He just kissed Marvin, putting all the love and passion he felt into the kiss. He hoped that it would convey everything.

"Come on gays. Get your asses back in here, there's only a minute left." Charlotte called from the living room. The two hurried back in there and joined the group.

The four stood in a circle, awaiting the coming of the new year. 10...9...8... the clock ticked down. 4...3...2...1.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" They all cried. Everyone kissed their respective partners and hugged each other. And that was the start to another year. 


1241 words

Just a fluffy New Years oneshot in honor of the new year. I really enjoyed writing this one, and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it. I love the friendship that Marvin and Whizzer have with the lesbians, it makes me happy. So I'm probably going to write more of that. If you have any requests, don't be scared to send them to me. 

Happy New Year


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