V-V-V-Valentines Day

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Title is from the song Valentine's Day from the Jonathan Larson Project album. Go check it out, it's awesome. The song is a deleted song from Rent.

"Just keep her out of the house until six, okay?" Charlotte says, pushing Whizzer and Marvin out the door. She needs them to keep Cordelia occupied for two hours, because she has a lot of plans for the night.

Valentines Day is Cordelia's favorite holiday, because she's such a hopeless romantic. Charlotte wants to make the day special for her.

"Ok, ok. We got it Char, we'll have her back here by six." Whizzer says.

Charlotte asks them to wait, and then goes up the stairs to see if Cordelia is ready. "Knock knock," she says, walking into their shared bedroom. "The gays are waiting for you downstairs, you don't want to make them wait too long, do you?"

Cordelia looks beautiful, and Charlotte can't help but wrap her arms around the girls waist and kiss her softly. Cordelia smiles and giggles against her girlfriend's lips.

"I can't wait for tonight!" Cordelia says happily.

"Well you'll never find out what's happening if you don't get going." Charlotte grabs Cordelia's hand and gently pulls her down the stairs, and shoves her out the door.

"Now all of you get the hell out of here!" Charlotte slams the door, and leans against it. She runs through everything she has to do to prepare for tonight. She has to do everything fairly quickly because she only has about two hours.

Charlotte begins to gather the things she'll need for the night. She wants everything to be perfect. One of Cordelia's favorite things to do is ice skate, and Charlotte figures that would make a cute Valentines date.

She grabs a picnic basket that she had gotten out earlier. The two would have a small picnic in Central Park and then head to the ice skating rink afterward.

Luckily she is the one cooking everything, because as much as she loves Cordelia, it's getting increasingly harder to pretend she enjoys the food. Charlotte busies herself in the kitchen, baking cookies and preparing sandwiches, and other little treats. All the while listening to music, and dancing around the kitchen

Time seemed to pass very quickly, and Charlotte was starting to get more and more excited for their date. Soon Cordelia would be coming back home, so Charlotte makes sure she has everything.

She goes upstairs, and opens one of her dresser drawers. In the drawer is a little black box, containing something very important. Charlotte grabs the box, and puts it at the bottom of the picnic basket when she gets back into the kitchen.

Right on time, the door opens, and Cordelia skips in with a grin. Charlotte embraces her and kisses her on the cheek. "How was your day?" she asks. Whatever Marvin and Whizzer did won't be able to top what she has planned.

"Oh me and the boys had a great time. We went for ice cream and then went to see a movie. Though I don't think they actually watched it because they spent the whole time cuddling and making out," Cordelia sighs with a small smile on her face.

"They're very cute together, but we're still cuter," she continues pecking Charlotte on the lips.

Charlotte puts her arms around Cordelia's waist, and kisses her harder. She starts to laugh when Cordelia begins to look a little flustered.

"I'm glad you had a great time," Charlotte disentangles herself from her girlfriend. "I'm going to go change, and then we can get ready to go."

A few minutes later, the lesbians are out the door, and walking to the park hand in hand. It's now 6:30 and the sky is all kinds of beautiful, with the fading pinks and purples and oranges. Charlotte sighs, thinking that she couldn't be happier. But she knows later on, everything is going to change for the better.

Finally they arrive at the park after a fairly short walk. They find a nice little spot on the grass and start unpacking the basket.

"Oh no..." Charlotte says laughing. "How could I forget the blanket? I checked and rechecked that I had everything."

"Oh well. At least the grass isn't wet." Cordelia laughs along with her.

Charlotte unloads the food and they eat with a little bit of idle chatter. There's never been a such thing as awkward silence with them, even in the early stages of their relationships. Charlotte thinks about how they know each other so well, and yet they never run out of things to talk about.

"Can you believe it's been more than two years since we first started dating?" Cordelia says, absentmindedly rubbing circles on Charlotte's palm.

Charlotte takes Cordelia's hand in hers and places a kiss on the top. "It's time for the second part of our date my love."

She starts to put everything back in the basket, then she remember the box at the bottom. Subtly she slips the box into her pocket. She picks up the basket and pulls Cordelia up.

They head in the direction of the ice skating rink. Cordelia squeals and hugs Charlotte tightly. "I love ice skating! Oh this is going to be so much fun."

Charlotte pays and they make their way into the rink. When they get onto the ice, Cordelia starts to gracefully glide while Charlotte stumbles and has to hold on to the wall.

"I forgot I'm not any good at this." Charlotte says struggling to get going. All the people gliding by aren't making it any easier.

Cordelia grabs Charlotte's hands and leads her out into the middle of the ice. 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran comes on and Cordelia smiles.

"Let's dance!" She says excitedly. Clearly she doesn't understand that Charlotte isn't very good at the whole ice skating thing. Not everyone can be a graceful ice princess while skating.

But Charlotte would do anything to make Cordelia happy, so she tries her best to at least move in circles. At the end of the song, she realizes that now is her chance to make a move.

She pulls the black box out of her pocket and slowly maneuvers herself into a kneeling position. Cordelia realizes what's happening and gasps, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Cordelia, my love, we've spent more than two perfect years together. You are the best girlfriend anybody could ask for, but now I want you to become something more than that. You are my everything, and I know that I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Will you marry me?"

Cordelia finds that she can't really say anything, tears are streaming down her face. She nods her head furiously, and tries to contain her emotions. But she's so happy that she can't.

Charlotte tries to stand, but slips, and flops ungracefully on the ice. 'Way to ruin the moment,' she thinks to herself. Finally she manages to stand up. Charlotte kisses her now fiancee long and slow, savoring the joyous moment.

From now on, Valentines Day will always be her favorite holiday.


1184 words 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Are y'all lonely? Because I sure as hell am. I actually hate Valentine's Day.

Anyway, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had a couple different one shots in the works, but ended up giving up because of writer's block. 

Luckily I happened to get inspiration. Then I worked my ass off to finish and publish it today. I wrote it in like an hour and a half and then did not edit, so sorry if it's kind of crappy.

Don't be afraid to send in requests.


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