Chapter 3

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"Ehan, would you like me to cook you something for dinn...?" Lily stopped mid-sentence when she spotted Ehan in the living room. A 55-inch LED TV was opened and all his parts were scattered all around. Ehan's back was facing her, who was trying to fix everything back.

"God! Why do you do this to every electronic?" Lily whined, standing by the door.

It was a Sunday evening and Ehan had nothing to do. He completed his homework and played games, and now he was bored. He couldn't go out and roam around because of the allergy. So he opened the TV using some screwdrivers and observed which thing was placed where and which wire was to be attached to which thing. He has done this earlier too, with his laptop, tablet, washing machine, refrigerator, oven, etc. Whenever boredom kills, he opts for this option. Till now, he has successfully fixed his laptop, a few mobiles, and washing machine but the rest of the things went to trash.

"I'm bored, Lily" Ehan replied, not turning to face her.

"Make friends, my dear. You can't kill your boredom like this" she suggested, hoping he would listen and take her suggestion at least this time.

"I'm fine, Lily. I don't need anyone. And don't make dinner. I'll make it later" he responded, holding a golden board to observe it, thinking where that thing should be placed.

"Why don't you ever let me cook for you? I feel like I'm getting paid for nothing" Lily huffed in annoyance.

"You clean my room, supervise other workers get their work done. Isn't that enough?" He questioned back, still busy with the golden board.

"I'm your caretaker. Lemme..."

"I'm not a kid to be taken care of. Please" he spoke in a whisper, reminiscing his words.

"For God's sake, stop complaining, Ehan. You are not a kid to be taken care of. Learn to take care of yourself" His dad's bitter words which he heard 6 years ago, were still fresh in his memories.


Stretching her hands with a content smile playing on her lips, Ira looked around. She just reached London and came out of the airport. She looked at the tall buildings in amazement. All the tiredness from jetlag flew away in the air and excitement filled in her.

"I'm finally abroad" she squealed, earning a few strange looks from the people around but she was too busy in herself to notice that. She started walking as if she had been living there since birth. After walking to God knows where she stopped when she spotted an electronic shop. She went inside and got a SIM card. She asked the staff there to activate the sim. She came out of the shop and dialled Mary's number.

"Mary, I reached safely" she squealed, making Mary distance herself from the phone for a moment.

"Stop screaming, Ira. Didn't I ask you to behave?" Mary scolded from the other end.

Ira rolled her eyes and said, "Ok. I wanted to inform you that I reached safely"

"Good. Now call that agent we contacted and get the apartment. Don't roam there like you own the place" Mary advised, knowing Ira too well.

"Ok. Mary, is Pinky there?" She hesitantly asked, knowing very well that Mary would never let her do anything according to her wish.

"No, she isn't. And you don't need to waste so much money in calls" Mary hanged up, without letting her speak.

"Bipolar" she mumbled.

She called the agent and he asked her to wait at the airport. She took that opportunity to explore around, making sure she didn't get lost. She withdrew some cash from the ATM she noticed nearby.

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