Chapter 6

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Ehan took slow steps, his teary eyes fixed on his mother. He had been dying to meet her once and now that she was right in front of him, he found it difficult to believe. His baby steps came to a halt as he realised another person's presence in the house, sitting on the sofa in front of his Mom. His face lit up, and he hoped it to be his Dad or brother.

As he walked near, he realised it wasn't his father or brother. It was his mom's manager. He stopped at the door, hearing a lady speak over the phone.

"No, that's not the problem.... Yeah! Our flight was delayed. So Ma'am thought of meeting her son who lives here. We are at junior Sinha's place" probably his Mom's secretary said.

All his happiness and hopes came crashing down in a nanosecond. He looked at his mother's back for a few seconds, sucking some air to control himself from breaking down. He took a few steps backwards, not making his presence known. He turned his head and left the place, ignoring the guard who tried to stop him.

He walked away from home, too much occupied in his own thoughts that he didn't even have any idea where he was heading. His eyes threatening to flow any moment. He felt stupid, too stupid to believe that his parents would ever take him back home. When they didn't take him with them when he was just a kid, why would they do that now, when he could take care of himself?

What hurt the most was the hope which came alive just in a second, despite him telling himself that he was never gonna go back home. He'll never get to live with his family, he'll never be playing with his brother.

They don't need you.

He told himself, dropping his bag on a bench and sitting on that with a thud. He was fighting the urge to cry, to scream, to go back to his Mom and ask her, what was his fault.

He sat there, burying himself in the ocean of painful thoughts. When the chilly wind caressed his skin, accompanied by some cold droplets, he realised he had been sitting there way too long, since the sun had already set and it was dark. Everyone was moving here and there, seeking shelter from the rain. He stood up quickly, grabbed his bag and ran to a small restaurant nearby, to avoid getting wet in the rain.

He ruffled his hair and took an empty seat. The place was warm, soothing his cold, shivering body. He looked outside, as the rain picked its pace.

"What would you like to have, sir?" A girl of his age approached him, smiling. Ehan shifted his attention from the glass doors to the girl. She was wearing an apron and holding a notepad.

"One hot chocolate, please," he said, looking at his surroundings.

"Anything else?" She wrote down and asked, to which he shook his head as no. The girl left taking his order.

He looked back to the rain, wondering if his mother had left already or still waiting for him.

"Hi," an excited voice interrupted his thoughts, making him almost jump on his place. He looked at the source of the voice and found Ira standing in front of him, with a wide smile like always.

He sighed looking elsewhere.

"Here is your hot chocolate" She placed the cup in front of him, making him look back at her. She was wearing a similar apron, like the previous girl.

"She works here?" He frowned but didn't ask.

As if she read his thoughts, she said, "I work here; part-time".

He looked at her, who was smiling at him holding the tray close to her chest.

"Ira" someone called her, making him avert his eyes from her.

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