Chapter 12

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Dedicated to KajalVanshiwal

"Would you teach me how to ride this?" Ira questioned the mower of her school, pointing at his lawn mower.

She being her talkative and friendly self, befriended the old man who works as a mower in her school. She would usually meet him in the morning, asking and telling him about the previous day.

"Sure, dear. It's really easy" that old man laughed, letting Ira observe the mower. She started asking him questions about it, walking slowly beside him as he rode the mower to trim the grass, unknown to Ehan's eyes gazing at her from afar.

Ehan felt a little better that morning. His fever was already gone and fortunately, his rashes fade away. He was scared that his allergy would turn worse like a few times earlier but thankfully, he recovered.

He silently stood looking at Ira talking to the old man with keen interest. He has been studying at the same school since many years, but he never would have noticed his own classmates and here she was, befriending every single person she meets, though it had been just a few months of her joining the school.

He took a step forward towards Ira but stopped when someone approached her. It was Honey. Ehan's expressions changed as he wrapped his hand around her shoulder, laughing at something she asked the mower. She gently removed Honey's hand, bidding bye to the old man. Ehan expected her to notice his presence as she walked towards him but Honey being by her side, dragged her not letting her have a single glance around.

Ehan could understand he did that on purpose as he looked back at him, smirking. Ehan couldn't make out what his problem was but he could say, he wasn't getting good vibes from Honey.


Grabbing a burger from the cafeteria for lunch, Ehan looked around. His eyes searching for Ira.

"When did you arrive?" Lily questioned, passing a tray of fries and sauce to one of the students.

Ehan uncomfortably looked at her. He know she wasn't convinced with his lie. She probably had the idea that he was home all the time.

"Last night?" She asked when he didn't reply and kept looking elsewhere.

"Have you seen Ira?" He asked instead, in a low whisper. Lily shook her head as no. She had the idea that he wouldn't be able to lie right on her face. She has known him for long enough to say if he's lying or trying to hide something.

She really wanted to know what's wrong with him but at the same time, she know he wouldn't let her know nor be happy if she forced him to spill the truth.

"Ok" he nodded and took his usual seat to eat. His eyes wandering around every minute to spot Ira. He finsihed the burger and headed to the study hall, thinking of calling her if she didn't arrive by the time they usually start studying.


Since it was the end of month, Ira didn't had much money left in her pocket. So instead of buying a proper meal for lunch, she took out a packet of potato chips she bought earlier and started shoving it into her mouth. Honey kept her busy even after the bell rang. He kept talking and blocking her way to distract her from going downstairs. He was determined to not let her meet Ehan. But Ira being Ira, slipped from there when he was talking to some of their classmates.

She walked to the study hall, munching on the chips. She thought of calling Ehan after eating. Her steps halted as her eyes landed on Ehan, occupying their usual table. His eyes wandering around the three doors of the study hall. Their eyes met when he looked at the door she was standing. He quickly averted his gaze and pretended to be busy with the book he kept open infront.

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