Chapter 13

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Dedicated to jiji-jenifer

"What nonsense? Whose that guy? I told you not to involve yourself with any guy" Mary yelled at Ira when by mistake she took Ehan's name, too engrossed in speaking.

A mischievous grin appeared on Ira's face.

"Wow! Mary. I never thought it would feel this nice to hear you scold me" she praised in a dramatic tone, the one which annoys Mary to death.

"Shut up. Can't you just stop talking nonsense? Grow up, Ira. I didn't send you that far to befriend guys and forget the real purpose" Mary yelled, this time more like screaming.

"Very good, Mary. Go ahead. And don't forget to add 'Go and study now' thing at the end" Ira encouraged, hugging Hunny bunny closer.

"Will you just shut up, Ira? You stupid girl. Concentrate on studies. If I ever hear any guy's name from your mouth, I'll come there to drag you back to India and bury you alive. Got it?"

"You have that much of money?" Ira gasped, speaking in a serious tone.

"Shut up" marry yelled and hanged up, making Ira shrug.

Mary sat on the bed with a thud, breathing heavily. "This girl is going to be the reason of my death someday".


While walking to his classroom early in the morning, Ehan noticed Ira with her friends on the ground. She was sitting on a wooden bench with her legs on either sides. Shruti and Honey was also with her. He turned to walk away but something caught his eyes. Honey, who was sitting infront of Ira, in the same way as her, was bringing his hand to place over her thigh. Ehan don't know why, but he stopped on his track. His angry eyes looking at his hands as it travelled towards her. It looked like the scene played in slow motion. Ehan's breathe hitched when Honey's hand was an inch away from Ira's clothed thigh. It was just in a nano second when a guy standing beside Honey, smacked his back, laughing at something Ira said, causing Honey's hand to drop by his side without touching Ira.

Ehan let out a breathe he don't know he was holding. All the doubts and negative vibes he was getting from Honey seemed meaningful then. He don't know what's happening but a fear occupied his heart. It may be something unintentional for Honey but his heart was not ready to accept that.

He made a mental note of warning Ira, as she's too innocent that she'll easily fall in trap.


"You are not serious about this scholarship, are you?" Ehan asked, pushing the test papers back to Ira. As he said, she wrote the test which was solving math sums and problem. She proved to be terrible in maths, which made the already angry Ehan, angrier.

"Ofcourse, I'm serious. It's just..."

"You said you would prepare half of the syllabus, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. But..."

"But what, Ira?" His voice was low, at the same time, angry.

"I don't have time. I study either before sleeping or early in the morning. Both the timing just doesn't help me read. I feel sleepy" she reasoned, looking pitiful.

"Then why don't you make use of the time you spend with that indecent friend of yours?" he whisper yelled, clenching his jaw.

"Who? Honey?" She guessed, frowning at Ehan. He didn't reply, looking down at the table.

"Why do you both hate eachother so much? Do you guys have any personal problem?"

Ehan took a deep breathe, inhaling some fresh air.

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