Chapter 4

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"Maryyyyy... O Maryyyyy...,

You were so scaryyyy

I miss your slap,

I hate this crap...."

Ira sang, more like whined. She sat on the bed, keeping some papers on her lap and surfing the net to find some points to write the assignment. But the problem was, she just couldn't. It was getting difficult for her to concentrate without being forced by Mary. Mary was the only reason she used to study before. Now that she wasn't there with her, she found no mood to study.

"Come on, Ira, you can do it" She told herself the same thing again. She started writing with determination but within a few minutes, she found herself singing the same song.

With great difficulty, she wrote about three pages of the 30-page assignment.

"I'll do it tomorrow" she mumbled before sleeping after dinner.


The next day, she attended her classes and decided to complete at least a few pages of the assignment before going for a part-time job, which begins at 5 in the evening.

She went to the cafeteria, "Hi, Lily" She waved her hand at Lily, who was busy serving students. She befriended Lily on the first day itself.

"Hey dear. What would you like to have?" she smiled at Ira.

"What is the cheapest thing we have on the menu?" Ira asked, tapping her fingers on the glass counter.

Lily paused her work and looked at Ira for a moment, who was smiling. "Sandwich" Lily replied, passing her a small smile.

"Ok, give me that and a lollipop" As Ira said the last word, her eyes shone with delight.

Lily handed her the sandwich she asked for with the lollipop and she paid.

Taking an empty seat, Ira started writing the points she gathered while munching on the sandwich in between. After eating, she thought of going home and completing the remaining work, before leaving for a part-time job.

She walked out, hanging her bag pack on her shoulders. She held the papers in one hand and the other, she had the lollipop. She tried to unwrap that through her teeth. She took a right and walked near the swimming pool, successfully unwrapping the lollipop. Her eyes were fixed on the candy. She was about to shove that in her mouth when she bumped into Ehan, who was walking to the cafeteria after visiting the library.

The papers she held slipped from her hand; some of them fell into the water and some on the ground. She gasped and accidentally dropped the lollipop next, holding the wrapper tight.

She looked inside the pool, her mouth agape and eyes wide. She slowly lifted her eyes and met Ehan's blank face. He was looking at the floating papers with an expressionless face.

"My assignment" she whined, gritting her teeth which grabbed his attention. He looked at her, frowning. She curled her fingers into a fist and realised that she was holding the wrapper.

"And my lollipop too" she cried, looking at the wrapper.

"I'm... Sorry," Ehan mumbled, though it wasn't his fault. Ira looked at him, confused. She knew it wasn't his fault. 'What is he apologizing for?' she thought.

But to release her anger, she yelled, "What do you mean by sorry? Do you have any idea how difficultly I filled those pages?  And I didn't even taste the lollipop" she whined.

Ehan looked around, people were staring at them with strange looks. "I said, I'm sorry" he repeated, whispering this time.

"I don't need your sorry. My assignment and my lollipop....." she cried again, stomping her foot on the ground. Ehan looked embarrassed from the attention she was grabbing.

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