Chapter 10

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With her head still hung low, Ira shoved her hand in the chips packet and took out a chip, shoving it into her mouth. It's not like she wasn't used to being scolded or treated harshly but it's been long since she was treated that way. Besides, she wasn't expecting Ehan to burst out all of a sudden. She took some more chips and shoved it into her mouth, standing in the same spot, still looking down.

She glanced up from the ground when a hand offered her a piece of cloth. She turned her head to meet Honey's face. He was giving her a sympathetic look, offering her his kerchief.

She grabbed his handkerchief and examined it, thinking why he was offering her that.

He thought she must be crying over Ehan's harshness towards her, though he didn't hear anything. He just noticed Ehan's hard eyes as he spoke to Ira.

But she looked just fine, as always.

"What's this for?" She asked, giving it back to him.

"I thought you must be cr.... Never mind" Honey was at the loss of words. He thought he'd console a crying Ira and his chances of having her would increase but seems like luck was not on his side.

"See, I told you. That guy is not what he looks. Look at the way he behaved. That bloody...."

"Come on, Honey. You know nothing. It was my fault. Besides, I don't mind it" she shrugged and offered him her chips.

He clenched his teeth and denied it, saying, "Oh! Come on, Ira. Stop saying that you don't mind anything. You are a human after all and it does feel bad when people treat us like a piece of sh*t"

"No, it doesn't, not to me at least. And Ehan was being extremely polite though he was angry" she pointed, making Honey throw his hands in the air.

"Trust me, he is nothing like you are thinking of him," she said, bringing back the smile on her face.

Honey groaned after she left. He was getting frustrated over this whole 'turning Ira against Ehan' thing.


Ehan threw the remote control of his PlayStation, tired of playing games whilst his mind was filled with Ira's sad face when he yelled at her. He didn't intend to behave the way he did. He held his head with both his hands, shutting his eyes tight.

He walked back to his room and let himself fall on the bed.

Ira knows nothing about him. She thinks he is an orphan. She doesn't know about his background. All she knows is, that he is Ehan; the topper.

"Isn't that exactly what I wanted? Somebody who would know me as me; Ehan, not as Ehan Sinha" he asked himself, looking at the ceiling.

He turned to sleep on his stomach, grabbing a pillow to bury his face. He twisted and turned, just not feeling good.

Will she be upset? He thought, removing the pillow from his face.

Did she cry after I burst out?

What do I do now? He groaned, thinking of a way to meet her as soon as possible and apologize.

He checked the time on his wristwatch and stood up all of a sudden. It was 8.20. 30 minutes left till her shift ends. He grabbed his jacket and made his way to the restaurant she works in.

He reached there in a few minutes and went inside. He looked around, trying to find Ira. He took a seat from the left to the counter, waiting for her. When a waitress approached him, he absentmindedly ordered a double cheeseburger, wanting to spend some time making himself ready to apologize while eating.

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