Chapter 8

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After lunch, Ehan went out of the cafeteria looking for Ira, whom he found sitting on one of the benches at the basketball court, munching on a sandwich. She had her legs on either side of the bench, swinging.

Thankfully, neither Shruti nor that guy was with her, which made it less uncomfortable for Ehan to approach her.

"Hi," she said with her mouthful when she noticed Ehan making his way to her.

"Where are we going to study?" She asked as he stood at a little distance from her.

"Finish your sandwich first, we'll go to study hall after that" Ehan replied, pocketing his hands.

Ira shoved the remaining sandwich in her mouth and got up, "Let's go" she spoke, gulping some water from her bottle.

"What's the hurry? Eat peacefully" he said as she grabbed her bag in a hurry.

"I need to be at the restaurant by 5 in the evening. We don't have much time" she replied, walking ahead of him.

"Hey Ira, would you like to accompany me...?" The same guy stopped them in their tracks, standing in front of Ira.

"No, Honey. I'm gonna study for tomorrow's test" Ira refused politely, smiling at the end.

"Oh! I understand. Good luck, study well" that guy said, leaving Ira's way. Since Ehan was walking behind her, his eyes met with the guy, who was looking at him with a challenging and jealous look, Ehan just couldn't exactly decipher.

He silently walked with her, ignoring the guy's weird look. They went to the huge study hall and Ira gasped since she never went there. The place was huge with circular tables and chairs arranged everywhere. It looked like a library but it wasn't one since there weren't any books available there. It was the hall for making projects with your classmates, group studies, etc. There were only a few students there, either preparing for exams or busy with their assignments and projects.

Ira and Ehan took a table near an open window, facing the beautiful garden. Unzipping her bag, Ira took out her books. She placed them on the table, from which Ehan grabbed one.

"Which subject do you hate the most?" He questioned, so he could start with that one.

"Mathematics" Ira replied tapping her index finger on her chin and Ehan nodded, grabbing her mathematics book.

"Physics," she said next. He nodded again, flipping through the pages.

"Chemistry" he looked at her from the corner of his eyes but nodded anyway.

"Botany" she kept going. He glanced up, loosening his hold on the book, letting it close slowly. She has joined her hands together, tapping the index fingers of both her hands on the lips.




"Wait" Ehan cut her off before she could add each and every subject to her hate list.

"Is there any subject you like?" He questioned, hoping she would mention at least a single name.

"Of course there is" she smiled. He heaved a sigh of relief.

"Arts" She proudly announced, grinning.

"Great!" He mentally rolled his eyes.

"You mean, you don't like studying at all. But you're good when it comes to art and related stuff" he pushed the mathematics book back to her and asked.

"Nope! Though I liked arts, I'm not good with it either" She replied, without hesitating a bit.

He looked at her with the weirdest expression ever.

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