Chapter 7

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Holding Ira's book, Ehan stood in front of her class. He pocketed his left hand and leaned against the railing, waiting for her. She was all he was thinking the previous night. Her scribbled words nowhere matches with the way she was living. She didn't look like she was being abused, still, he wanted to make sure of it.

He spotted Ira at the end of the corridor, walking to class with a girl and a boy on either side of her. They seemed to be her classmates since they looked her age and she was talking and laughing with them. Ehan stood straight, waiting for her to notice his presence.

She was so engrossed in talking to the guy with her that she didn't notice him. The girl with her stopped, looking at Ehan and elbowed Ira, that is when she noticed him.

"Hi," Ira's eyes brightened as she waved at him. The girl with her was standing behind her, openly gawking at him and the guy was sending him curious and jealous looks.

Without saying anything, Ehan forwarded the book to Ira. She frowned, then raised her eyebrows at him in question.

"You forgot this at the cafeteria" he spoke finally, his voice low as always.

"No. I don't think I did" Ira shrugged and shook her head as no.

"Maybe I forgot it there" her friend snatched the book from him, pushing Ira back and standing in front of him.

"I'm Shruti" she forwarded her hand to Ehan. He ignored her hand and snatched the book back.

"Check your bag" he suggested to Ira. She removed her bag from her shoulders and unzipped it. Rummaging through the stuff, she looked at Ehan, "Which book is that?" She asked sheepishly.

There seems no connection between her and books. How did she clear the entrance and reach here? Ehan wondered.

"Physics" he answered anyway.

She rummaged again and looked at him with the same sheepish look, biting her tongue. He forwarded the book and she took it gladly.

"Thank you sooo much" she squealed and he nodded quickly, wanting her to stop screaming.

He opened his mouth to ask about Mary but Shruti and the guy stood sticking to Ira. He turned to leave and that is when he noticed most of Ira's classmates were looking at them with wide eyes. Surprise evident in their faces.

Ehan was known by the entire school as being the topper. Everyone knows him to be a quiet person, having no friends. He coming from senior's block to a junior one just to return an ordinary girl's book, was strange.

He ignored the eyes on him and quickly made his way out of there.

"My heaaaart!" Shruti whined, leaning on Ira. She pushed her by her elbow to stand straight and made her way to class, shaking her head at her silliness.

"You know him?" The guy with Ira asked, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Not really! We bumped into each other a couple of times" she shrugged, taking her seat whilst the guy nodded with a look she couldn't decipher.


"You sure?" Ira's voice made Ehan look at her from the corner of his eyes as she spoke to the same guy with her in the morning. He was at the cafeteria having lunch when Ira made her way in. Ehan wanted to ask her about Mary but that guy joined her, making him let go of the idea.

"Yes, I'm sure. I think we should go there" he answered.

"Okay. We'll go in the evening" Ira replied, taking the tray of food from Lily.

"Thank you," she said, paying her. Lily looked at Ehan, who was eating unaffected.

They both made their way out of the cafeteria, taking a seat outside. A part of Ehan wanted to stop her and ask about Mary but another part stopped him from poking his nose in other's matters.

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