~Chapter 4: Excuses~

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Great...just great.

My imprint's family rejected me so now I have to figure out some way to meet Addison and I also have to explain everything to Rachel.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair frustrated since I can't seem to figure it out and nothing's making sense at the moment "Rachel, listen I am so sorry, maybe I shouldn't have led you on, maybe it would have been best if we hadn't even been together in the first place" I paced back and forth as I tried to come up with something to tell Rachel without letting her find out about our secret "if that's how you plan on breaking up with my sister, you might as well take a knife and stab it straight in her heart" Jacob growled from his place, he was leaning against the tree glaring at me and I looked up at him.

"Jacob you should know what I'm going through right now, I imprinted on your imprint's sister, her family rejected me and now I have to break up with Rachel without telling her our secret" I groaned, plopping myself down on the ground "who told you to make her your girlfriend even though she's not your imprint?" He snapped angrily "oh give me a break! I thought that there's no such thing as a soul mate for me so I thought..." Jacob cut me off before I could finish "you thought what? that you could try forcing yourself to love my sister?! do you know how much you're going to hurt her?! As it is, you can't control your temper so you keep your distance from her! she thinks something's wrong with her when it's you! You're the damn moron!" he yelled at me and I got angry at his words and phased without a second thought, crouching down as I growled at him.

"See?! this is exactly why the Cullen's don't want you around Addison! Listen here Lahote, Addison is like my sister and I don't want you to hurt her like you are hurting Rachel, so stay away from her" Jacob warned, turning around to walk away but stopped "Oh and I suggest you break it off with Rachel, I don't want you leading my sister on for a second more than you already have" He growled before phasing and then ran off into the woods.

'Jacob...I'm sorry' I mind linked him after a while 'Sorry? wow Lahote! How much did that hurt your pride?' he snapped and then our connection broke...I'm guessing he changed back.

I ran to my house in my wolf form and then phased back, pulling on a pair of cutoff shorts before I picked up my phone and dialled Rachel's number but I just couldn't press the call button.

I angrily punched my bedroom wall, leaving a crack "great, now another thing I have to fix" I groaned to myself and decided to have a shower.

A person can probably make the most important decisions in the shower and that is exactly what I thought I could do but I was failing miserably. Sighing, I closed my eyes only to have an image of Addison appear in my mind and this image seemed to calm my nerves yet it saddened me even more.

She was so close yet so far away.

After I threw on a pair of shorts, I called Rachel feeling a bit relaxed from the shower but all that calmness flew out the window when she answered the phone "hey babe" she greeted cheerfully and I dragged a hand down my face "hey" I replied sullenly

"What's wrong? everything alright?" she asked worried, picking up on my tone "yeah, I'm fine. What's up?" I asked casually, trying to stall "oh I'm just packing to go back to university tomorrow, I was waiting for you to drop by" she replied and I felt like slapping myself since her break had finished and she had to return tomorrow, I had promised her that I would come over to meet her before she left.

"What made you call?" she asked curiously, snapping me out of my thoughts "Rachel I have to tell you something" I blurted out before I could cower away "okay, I'm listening, go on" she chuckled and I knew it was now or never, I took a deep breathe in and then let it out "I'm breaking up with you" the words flew out of my mouth before I could stop it "what?! why?!" she yelled angrily.

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