♪5 o'clock (Part 2)♪

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"That is all.

Off you go."

No no no no!

I did not come all the way here for nothing...

"And why does she not want to see me?"

I asked--
in an effort to stall for time.

The old man tapped his chin
in deep thought.

"Quite frankly, I don't know.

Shall I ask her?"

What's the point in doing that?!

My eyes twitched irritably,
as I tried to hold in my anger.

how about I just ask her myself?"

The old man furrowed his white brows
at this suggestion,
a curious twinkle
appearing in his eyes.

"Splendid idea.

This way, please."

He finally opened the gate
and motioned for me to come in.

I took a step forward,
unaware of the strange fate
that awaited me beyond those gates.

Who Said A Hikikomori Can't be Classy? [Cellphone Novel]Where stories live. Discover now