♪How to Make Up (Pt. 2)♪

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An uncomfortable stillness

drifted between us.

Ichinomiya Megumi kept peeking at me

from behind the doorway--

her shaky brown irises casting a shadow of doubt on her pale face.

I would catch her opening mouth every now and then,

seemingly with the intention to initiate conversation.

But perhaps sensing the odd tension in the air,

she held her tongue.

On the other hand,

I was struggling just to keep my gaze off the ground.

All the resolve I felt seconds ago,

all those practice scenarios


turned to naught

as soon as I stood before her.

My heartbeats were practically pounding into my ears.


I took a step closer,

lifting my head to directly face her.

"I'm sorry."

Her eyes widened at my words.

"I said too much last time."

She shook her head rapidly.

"No, that should be my li-"

Before she could finish,

I made a fist and lightly tapped her on the head.

"Hey, I'm the one who was in the wrong...

What am I supposed to do if you apologize too?"

"You're not angry?"


A/N: Hello, everyone! How are you doing? My, how time flies...ahahaha. ( ' ▽ ' )/ I can't recall how many times this has happened, but once again, I am sorry for the lack of updates! (*_ _)人 Tbh, these chapters were already prepared, but I hesitated to post them due to the odd flow. And no matter how many times I tried to re-imagine the scenario in my head and edit the draft accordingly, some part of me would feel unsatisfied with the result. Thinking back, it was quite a waste of time, since I decided in the end to go with the first draft anyways. ^^" So here it is! 

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