ღMorning Gloryღ

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A harmony of tweets and trills
was the first thing I awoke to.

Feeling cozy in my downy clutter of blankets,
I was determined to sleep in once again.

It had only been two weeks since I decided to live as a hikikomori.*

And so far,
there has been no reason to regret my choice.

Burden-less sleeping,

the quiet routine--or rather, lack of routine--

far away from the hysterics of the city,

the freedom to eat meals in the comfort of my own home...

What's more,
I get to wear my sleeping gown 24/7!

I drew in a long,
deep breath.


What more could a person want?

Knock knock.

"Milady, are you awake?"

I exhaled.

Here comes the annoyance.

"Lovely morning, isn't it, Gilbert?"

There was a pause.

"...it's almost evening, Milady."


"I heard birds earlier."

"Ah yes,
that was the ambiance noise machine
you ordered from online a week ago.
I believe it is working well?"

"Yes, too well almost."

"I see...

Pardon me for the disturbance,
but you have a guest today."


A friendless hikikomori like me has no guests...


"He says he is a classmate of Milady's...
A Yamasato Kaito.

Currently, he's waiting at the door."

The name didn't ring a bell.

Without hesitation,
I said,

"Send him away."


*hikikomori = a reclusive individual who has withdrawn himself/herself from society

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