♪How to Make Up (Pt. 3)♪

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Her words came as a surprise.

"N-not at all! Why would you think that?"

If anything,

I felt guilty for being inconsiderate of your situation...


I reacted too strongly that time,

and then you stopped visiting.

So, I thought maybe you..."

Her voice turned small

as she hesitantly squeaked out the next few words.


I slapped my palm to my face.

Ahhhh, I'm such an idiot!

It never once occurred to me

that my sudden disappearance would worry Ichinomiya just as much

-- if not more -- 

than I had worried about her.

Time and time again,

I kept focusing on things that didn't matter in the end --

when I should have been looking at what was right in front of me.

Hoping to give her some reassurance,

I reached out to tousle her already disheveled hair.


A smile tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Yeah, I'll admit I was frustrated...

but more so at myself.

I could never hate you."

Ichinomiya's dewy eyes blinked at the gesture,

as a faint blush colored her cheeks.

I could swear that she seemed almost about to cry,

but she turned her face away just before it could happen.

"...who are you calling 'dummy'

when you're the pierrot here?"

She muttered indignantly

-- true to the nature of the prideful hikikomori princess

I've come to miss.

I chuckled at her response.

"Haha, you're right there."

Some things never change, huh?

A/N: Hello there! ⸜( ' ꒳ ' )⸝ My my my, it's been a long time since my hiatus (years even)! I'll admit that I did lose the motivation to write... and that was in part due to my laptop crashing. ('-ω-') I was really devastated at the time since all the drafts to my other stories were on there (and they were unfortunately never recovered). It kind of set me back and discouraged me greatly from continuing to write in general. But recently, I've been thinking a lot about my cpns (especially this one). So, here I am once again - with a brand new book cover to boot! Hehehe, if anyone is still following this story, please enjoy this chapter~ (*'▽'*)

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