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It was 7:00 p.m. Minela, Koshi and Ariven were having dinner almost like a family when the doorbell rang.

"I'll open the door." Minela said.

"Oh my god Clo! What a pleasant surprise! I'm so happy to see you!" (For those who have forgotten, Clomestiana aka Clo is Minela's step sister.)

"Minela! I missed you!" Clomestiana said as tears clouded her vision, "it's been two years!"

"Come inside, we're having dinner. " Minela said as took her towards their dining room.

"Ariven! " Clomestiana ran towards him and hugged him tightly just as Ariven stood from his seat. (Yes, Ariven was in good terms with everyone in Minela's family except Minela. And Clomestiana and Ariven were especially very close.)

"Looks like you missed me more than your sister? " Ariven jokingly stated.

They were both grinning happily when Clomestiana looked at Koshi, she frowned.

"You! " They said simultaneously.

"Bitch, what are you doing here?" Koshi snarled.

"Maybe I came just in time to take you out of here, hoe!"

"How dare you call me that? And let's see who takes who out of here!" Koshi said as she grabbed Clomestiana by the shoulder but Clomestiana yanked Koshi's arms, sending an agonising pain in the upper body. Before more could happen, Minela stopped them.

"Whoah, what's happening here? Why are you fighting like wild cats?"

None of them answered but glared at each other like they were seeing the most despicable thing ever. Koshi clenched her jaw, trying not to show her physical pain.

"Minela, how did you acquaint a girl like her?" Clomestiana asked her sister.

"What does that mean?" Ariven asked this time,"She is my best friend and she is namely my sister-in-law but more like my sister." Ariven introduced both of them to each other and continued,

"So if you both have issues with each other, I suggest that you deal with it rationally because neither me or Minela is going to be involved in whatever fight you're having. "

"You don't know what you're keeping in your house, Ariven. " Clomestiana warned.

"Which part of Ariven's explanation wasn't clear to you, Clo?" Minela sternly asked her sister.

"I'm surprised that this Bitch shares the same blood as Minela! " Koshi continued to harangue.

This made Clomestiana tear up. "I do not." Clomestiana stated as she remembered. Ariven saw the look of hurt cross her face as she tried not to spill any tears. Her eyes were already wet. He couldn't bear the look of hurt on her face.

"Koshi! I guess you're forgetting your limits now! You're a guest so act like one!" Ariven's eyes were so dark, making Koshi flinch.

Minela was used to that look...but Koshi had never been shouted at that way.

Koshi still looked at Clomestiana and said in a dulcet tone," I knew you could never be of the same blood as Minela. "

"Koshi shut up and go to your room!" Ariven was finally losing it.

"I haven't finished eati-"

"Paul! Bring that into Koshi's room! " Ariven shouted while pointing at her unfinished food.

Ariven went towards Clomestiana, letting her wrap her arms around his neck and weep.

"How dare she say that I could never be of the same blood as Minela? "

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