*Back to Awsten's POV*

I went back to Zach's within the week. 

I hesitated before knocking on the door, Zach opening it up and looking shocked before he spoke,



"Why're you here?"

"I wanted to see you," I said hesitantly and the larger man hesitated before he nodded, standing off to the side and gesturing for me to come inside. 

I walked in and looked around, the place was very a cozy one-room place. There was a bed pushed off into the corner with a mess of quilts at the foot of it, there was a fireplace and a stove with a pot of something bubbling away, a small table with one chair and a chest at the foot of the bed, a desk with papers on it and oddly enough, a root cellar door. A Couch was against one wall facing a tiny television.   

"So um, Hey," I said and Zach nodded, closing the door and going to the couch, 

"Hey...you wanna sit?" 

"Sure," I said, sitting beside him and Zach looked over at me, 

"Why did you want to visit?" 

"..Just to say hey," I said and Zach nodded, nervously biting at his fingernails which I saw where almost bitten to the limit, I gently moved his hand away from his mouth, "You okay?" 

Zach shook his head, "No...Awsten, I'm dangerous"

"Dangerous? Zach-" 

"No Awsten, look..." Zach began and then ran a hand through his fluffy hair, looking anxious, "I'm feral, I'm dangerous" 

I blinked, I had heard of Ferals before but always assumed that was just a tale my parents had told me in order to behave. 


"I could hurt you, I could hurt or even kill everyone in that pack, that's why I live out here," Zach said and looked at me, panic filled green eyes staring into mine and very slowly, afraid I startle him, I placed a hand on his cheek, wincing when he flinched and I rubbed his cheek softly. Feeling the stubble under my hand and the rough skin.

"You haven't hurt me yet" I whispered, "I don't believe you're dangerous" 

Zach stared at me and cracked a smile, I smiled back and kissed his cheek, 

"Now let's talk, I wanna know more about you," I said and Zach smiled wider, starting to tell me about a dog he used to own named Bumblebee. 

I liked this guy.  

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