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I scowled almost the moment that Alex walked through the door, what I wouldn't give to just kick his teeth in.

Zach tensed as well, Rian giving him a warning glance before he walked up to Alex. The two shaking hands and I could faintly hear what they were saying, 

"You're seriously thinking of letting that jughead into your pack? You have pups Rian, you must know he isn't safe" 

"This isn't about that Alex" Rian said, giving a warning growl that seemed to placate Alex for the moment and the pair began to talk about boring Alpha stuff. Zach seemed nervous and just went to go sit in the corner, he seemed stiff. I would have gone over to him but my attention was on Otto and making sure he was alright. 

Rian eventually left the room, giving a warning growl to Alex before he left which only seemed to amuse the man and he left. Alex's eyes turning to Zach and he grinned, striding over and grabbing Zach's face so hard the other winced, I stood up, 

"Alex that isn't a good idea" I warned and Alex scoffed, 

"Please it's perfectly safe...I just want to see what a feral looks like for myself" 

Zach's eyes went down and Alex slapped him so harshly it made a yelp come from Zach, 

"Look at me when I fucking speak to you" Alex snarled and Zach growled which just made Alex scoff, "Don't give me that, you may be feral and a big boy but you won't do jack shit if you want in this pack". 

Zach bit his lip, looking back up at Alex and shrinking in on himself which just made a smug look cross over Alex's face, Otto spoke up with a shaky voice, 

"Alex leave him alone!" 

Alex turned to look at Otto, sneering a little, "Who are you to tell me what to do? You're just some stupid omega" 

"He's not stupid!" Geoff said angrily and Alex scoffed, 

"Please, he couldn't even handle being locked in a cemetery for a few hours I cannot believe he's survived this long with a monster like Ri-" 

Alex didn't get to finish fortunately as Zach had lunged out of his seat, raking his nails across Alex's face which left five long gashes which started to pour blood across his pale face almost immediately. Stumbling back and staring up, a look of pure terror crossed Alex's face and one look told me why. 

Zach was standing at his full height, claws ending his hands and he was breathing heavily which allowed me to see the mouthful of canine like teeth but what caught my attention the most was his eyes. 

Instead of a soft candy apple green or even an amber yellow they were a fiery red which made my heart almost stop. 

Zach was feral.  

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