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We headed back to the pack. Otto running up to us immediately with panic in his eyes, 

"Awsten oh-I'm so happy you're okay, you are okay right?" Otto asked, hesitantly looking up at Zach who shrank away. I nodded, 

"Otto I'm fine, where's Rian?" 

"He's in our house..." 

"Thanks bud" I said, grabbing Zach's sleeve and dragging him along to Rian's house, knocking on the door. 

Rian answered and he looked bone tired, bags under his eyes and he looked up at Zach before looking back at me, 

"Hey Aws, Zach...what's up?" 

"...We...I came to say sorry Rian" 

"Sorry" Rian said bluntly and ran a hand down his face, "Zach you...what you did was wrong, you know that right?" 

"Yes I do!" Zach said brokenly, his words coming out pained, "Rian...ever since I found out I was feral I've felt like nothing but a monster but...Awsten helps" 

Rian's eyebrows shot up, looking at me, "He helps huh?" 

"Yes..." Zach said weakly and Rian sighed, 

"One more chance Merrick...I swear to Lupa you'd better not fuck it up". 

Zach perked up like an excited pup and I couldn't help myself from grinning either, Rian continued, 

"If Awsten's okay with it you can live with him" 

"Yea! That's fine" I said, looking up at Zach who smiled down at me, Rian rolling his eyes but I could tell it was fond, he closed the door and I dragged Zach away to my house. 

Almost as soon as Zach shut the door, I was kissing him. Zach's hands hesitantly rested on my hips although they felt like they were hardly there, 

"You can touch me" I whispered, "you won't hurt me, I know you won't" 

That seemed to calm Zach, grabbing my hips in a more firm grip and kissing me back where I couldn't help but smile. 

Maybe things would be okay. 

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