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I woke up beside Zach. There was a dull pain in my ass and bruises covered my hips while my throat was covered in love bites and just normal bites.

Zach slept beside me. I rolled over to watch him and smiled, reaching over and gently rubbing his cheek a little bit, his scruff rougher than usual due to him probably not shaving for a while.

Zach was a good man I'd come to find. Just because he was feral didn't mean a thing. He was a kind, compassionate and loving person who would put everything on the line to defend his friends, I didn't know about his family...maybe he'd tell me one day.

But for now I was content to lay beside him. Content to lay and be with him, wipe his tears, hold his hand and all that mushy fluffy shit.

Zach's eyes fluttered open, a brilliant green greeting me and he smiled softly,

"Hey Aws..."

"Hey" I said, smiling and Zach sat up, kissing me quickly,

"You doing good?"

I smiled wider, pressing my lips back to Zach's and nuzzling his neck,

"I'm doing just fine".


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