December 4th

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On the fourth day of December, the two boys were snowed in as a blizzard came storming in overnight. The door was blocked by the four-footed pile of snow. The house felt heavy; the snow continuing to stack upon itself.

Baekhyun woke up really cold today, his sniffles becoming more and more often, like every minute or so. He checked the time and temperature, his eyes almost popping out when the temperature was -8 degrees celsius. He took a look outside his window to see nothing but blank darkness. Baekhyun took his fluffy robe and slipped on his slippers, running to the main room to find it snowing harshly outside.

"Good morning," Chanyeol greeted as he made a cup of coffee. "Hey," Was the only thing Baekhyun said as his eyes were glued to the view outside. Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol grabbed a spare mug and poured coffee into it, applying a lot of creamer and sugar since Baekhyun loathed anything that tasted bitter. He handed the older the cup of coffee, Baekhyun shyly accepting it as he took a sip. It was sweet, just like he liked it. He took another sip as he heard the wind howl through the frame of the cabin, watching the snow pile up more and more around the area.

"I guess we're stuck in here today.." Baekhyun said, rather, more to himself, actually. "So what do you want to do?" The latter questioned, taking a sip of his black coffee. Baekhyun was once again shocked, the first time Chanyeol had said with any interest in Baekhyun's activities. "Well, nothing. We're snowed in, so what am I supposed to do?" He took his coffee mug to the living room and sitting on the couch where the fire screamed hot air. Chanyeol followed, sitting on the same couch as the older, but they didn't say anything else.

"Look, say something on what we should do before I go back to my room," Chanyeol announced, looking distinguished like a burned out candle. Baekhyun actually didn't know what to do, but since Chanyeol is asking, they can probably both of them can play video games or something.

"Mario Kart?" He suggested that caught the younger's attention. That idea wasn't too bad. "Alright." He stood up and turned on the WII U and handed one controller to the older. Baekhyun selected Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as he prepared himself ideas on how to beat Chanyeol.

"Loser has to do what?" Chanyeol said, waiting for ideas from the other. Of course there should be a punishment. "I don't know, you choose." He brushed the question off, but Chanyeol knew Baekhyun always wants to do a punishment whenever they play games together. "Loser's wrist has to be slapped." Baekhyun suggested.

"Pshh, lame." Chanyeol interjected, choosing his character. "Then what the fuck would you suggest?" Baekhyun growled, getting angered. That's all he has for ideas. "I mean, we could maybe..." Before Chanyeol could finish his sentence, Baekhyun's phone rang.

"Hey Kyungsoo ... I suppose we're doing okay ... I guess? Alright, stay safe." He hung up.

"Uhh.. So my friends are coming here later in the day." He informed to Chanyeol, who almost fell off the edge of the couch. "What? Why?" He asked, starting the game and getting back into his position. "I don't fucking know, Park Chanyeol, I guess they miss me." he grinned with delight. Before Chanyeol could say anything else, the game had started.

You're going down, Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun challenged in his head.

As soon as the screen said go, both persons held on their accelerator button, holding it down hard as if it was going to make them any faster.

It was now their last lap and Chanyeol was taking the lead; Baekhyun right on his tail. Baekhyun had luckily ran through the power up, getting the green shells. He then threw all three at once, trying to knock Chanyeol off, and to by his surprise, Chanyeol had been knocked off and Baekhyun zoomed by and crossed the finish line, taking the first place spot.

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