December 6th

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"Where are we going today?" Minseok piped up as he saw everyone in the living room, looking bored as ever. "Well, we can go grocery shopping. We're out of ingredients to last us another week so we should go back to the store." Kyungsoo said as he came out from the kitchen. "Alright, let's go!" Jongdae hopped out of the couch like a little kid, taking Minseok's hand and ran up the stairs.

"You guys go without me." Baekhyun sighed, still upset that his ankle still hurt. "But who's going to look after you?" Kyungsoo asked. "I will." Unexpectedly Chanyeol volunteered. Kyungsoo didn't seem to trust him, but before he could say anything else, Jongin had held on to his hand and pulled him outside. "Chanyeol, just go. Leave me here." Baekhyun said blankly. "No." He protested and sat right back down.

"Bye guys!" Minseok waved as him and Jongdae exited the estate.

It was now Baekhyun and Chanyeol alone in the house again. None of them said a word, nor did they ever want to but it felt awkward.

"So what do you want to do?" Chanyeol asked.



"Look Chanyeol, if you're trying to bullshit me again, then don't do anything." Baekhyun had enough and stood up, standing on his strong leg and limped to his room, but before he could, he had slipped on the bandage and slipped backwards, only to be caught by Chanyeol. Chanyeol was quick enough to catch Baekhyun before he fell. It was at this moment where they stared into each other's eyes to what seemed like a long time. Baekhyun's face got flushed as Chanyeol carried him up and placed him back on the couch. "You're not going anywhere." He deepened his voice, being understood by the older and sat on his position.

Baekhyun's cheeks still felt hot when Chanyeol left the living room. He gave himself a few hard pats on the cheek to fix his mind. Why can't you forget about him? Baekhyun wanted to know.

Chanyeol had come back with a warm cup of coffee, handing it to Baekhyun. "Thanks.." he mumbled, taking a sip afterwards. It was only when Chanyeol began to unwrap the bandage that was attached from Baekhyun's leg, he had jolted, almost spilling the hot coffee around him. "What are you doing?" He looked over to see the boy with long legs sat on the floor; legs crossed.

"I'm going to massage your ankle—"

"You don't have to—"

"Shut up and let me massage you." Chanyeol firmly said, grasping the younger's delicate, yet swollen, ankle. He gasped internally when his slick fingers felt the lump, cursing to himself for letting Baekhyun walk on the ice like that.

At first, Baekhyun flinched and winced at the sudden sensation coming from his lower leg, the nerves being sensitive even to the slightest touch. Sooner or later, the pain went away after Chanyeol had relieved the stress, calming down the irritated muscles. All of the sudden, Baekhyun had groaned as his massages felt so good that—was he being aroused? Baekhyun had jolted awake, retracting his leg. As for Chanyeol, his eyes lit up when he noticed the way Baekhyun had suddenly felt.

Baekhyun cursed to himself as Chanyeol looked back at him as if he didn't know anything. Concealing his smirk, Chanyeol stood up to wash his hands. Once he got up and left, Baekhyun quickly grabbed a pillow, placing it on top of his crotch area, pretending like he needs support towards his posture or something. He reached for his hot chocolate and gulped it down, trying to distract his mind to something else.

Shit shit shit shit... He felt it grow more and more. Are you serious? You really got fucking hard over a massage?!?!?!? Baekhyun cursed to himself once more. Chanyeol had come back with a bowl of cereal, munching down the processed oats and slurping the milk. Baekhyun had cursed himself for the third time: the fuck stop thinking so lewdly!! Damn it why do you have to be so dirty minded. At this point, Baekhyun was hard as a stone, unable to be mobile because of his lower regions being so pained; also having Chanyeol here made it ten times worse. "Hey, can you pass me the pillow you're holding? My back is aching." Baekhyun didn't comply and refused.

Chanyeol eventually grunts and rolls his eyes, going over the the smaller to take the pillow himself. Baekhyun held onto the pillow as if it was his prize possession and they soon began to play tug of war, but before the pillow could rip, as soon as Baekhyun could use all of his might to get the pillow back, Chanyeol backed off his strength and immediately got pulled forwardㅡhis hands still grasping the pillow; his body followingㅡand landed on top of the smaller.

The two's faces were inches apart and Baekhyun's cheeks went red hot. He stared into Chanyeol's eyes and couldn't look away like if it was some trance he was in. Chanyeol leaned forward—Baekhyun's heart beating so fast—and tilted his head and closed his eyes as if he was going to fill in the gap. Baekhyun closed his eyes as he felt that his heart was about to burst through his chest. Chanyeol then opened his eyes to see Baekhyun's eyes closed and his face was so red as if he was holding his breath. He smirked and backed off, catching the smaller off-guard and got off him, retreating back into him room.

Baekhyun opened his eyes and began to breathe again when he heard Chanyeol's door close. His face was super hot from what just happened and he couldn't be even more embarrassed. Quickly standing up, Baekhyun waddled into his room to take a good relaxing shower to relieve his stress... and relieve his pained hard on.

"Food is ready!!" Jongdae had shouted from the kitchen area, alerting everyone to stop what they're doing make their way to the dining room. Baekhyun got off his bed, slipping on his slippers and slowly walked into the dining area and sat on his seat. He didn't dare to look at Chanyeol when he had entered the dining room and sat in front of him. As for Chanyeol, he only had his eyes on the one in front of him, shooting down lazer beams as he stared so hard. Everyone began to eat, Chanyeol getting massive portions since he has quite an appetite while Baekhyun sat and silently sipped on the hot soup.

Baekhyun's body was aching from sitting at the same position so he crossed one leg over the other. Chanyeol was about to take another spoonful of soup when Baekhyun's foot has nudged his leg, causing Chanyeol to miss his mouth and spilling the spoonful of soup in his area; Baekhyun stifling his laugh from the latter's clumsiness.

Chanyeol looks up and Baekhyun looks down, pretending that nothing happened and took a bite of the cooked rice. He moved his long legs forward and lightly kicked the other. Then, a whole foot fight began, causing some noise and caught everyone's attention. "Look at them play footsies," Jongdae snickered, standing up when Minseok also stood, placing their plates in the sink.

Jongin gave Chanyeol this really weird look as if they were communicating with their minds. Kyungsoo was about to say something about Chanyeol kicking Baekhyun—the fact that he has a swollen ankle—but Jongin quickly saved it from happening and pulled up the smaller to excuse themselves out.

Then, it was just Baekhyun and Chanyeol, quietly eating their foods, trying to escape the awkward air. Baekhyun finished first, taking his plate and bowl but it was only snatched by Chanyeol, "I got it." he said with a mouthful of rice, chewing it as he made his way to the sink. Baekhyun then limped to his room where he can finally have some alone time.

"Urgh, Baekhyun can you not fucking fold your clothes?" Kyungsoo said in frustration as he opened up every drawer and took every bit of messy clothing out. "Why are you going through my drawers?" he asked, jumping on his bed then watching the younger fold his clothes. "I'm not. It annoyed me how your drawers weren't closing, and it was because you just stuffed the whole damn thing in there." Kyungsoo huffed. Chuckling, Baekhyun asked the younger to close the lights on his way out as he was beat from the whole day—even though he didn't do much, the day passed very fast.

Twenty-five minutes later into his slumber, he began to dream, but it was something he didn't expect at all when he began to groan and shuffle around a lot.

19 Days until Christmas...

24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbaek ✔️Where stories live. Discover now