December 13th

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Waking up to the third ring of his alarm, Junmyeon had shut it off at the blink of six o'clock. He had stretched and got off the couch, going to take his first priority in the morning; the bathroom. After doing his business, Junmyeon was making his way into the kitchen when he had found a note that was almost hidden on one of the pillows he was laying on. Taking it off the pillow, he read the note:

Meet me at the shack – BBH

Junmyeon quickly moved as he grabbed his heavy coat and put on his boots. Baekhyun must be freezing out there; waiting for him. Junmyeon ran out of the house at the back, following the trail as the light in the sky gets brighter for sun rise.

"Baekhyun?" Junmyeon yelled out, hearing his own echo bounce off any wide-spaces area. "Over here," the latter called out, opening the shack door, allowing the older to enter. "So, why'd you want to meet all the way here?" Junmyeon asked as they sat down on the small couch. "I'm here to say my answer. You. I choose you, Junmyeon." he replied, tapping the two pointers of his fringes to one another. Junmyeon's heart lightened, "Seriously? Are you positive." He wanted to make sure. "Yes." Baekhyun whispers happily.

Junmyeon grins in joy as he comes close to the younger and embraces him for a hug. Breaking apart, the two males had their faces just inches apart, "May I?" The older asks for permission; Baekhyun shyly nods. Then, Junmyeon closes the gap of space as their lips touch for the very first time. The kiss was chaste that lasted for about seven seconds before the two pulled apart; Junmyeon placing his forehead against the latter, "You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this." Junmyeon breathes before reattaching his lips with Baekhyun's.

In Baekhyun's mind, he dreamed of dating Junmyeon,

But Baekhyun's heart disliked it.

"I'm so booored," Jongdae dragged; he was bored yet again. "You fucking made a snow fort yesterday and now you're bored again?!?!" Sehun exagerates. "I'm always bored because Minseok won't do the good-good with me," Jongdae frowned. "Will you stop being so horny! Go watch some porn or something!" Minseok told before putting his earbud back on. "It's not the same if it's not you.." he mutters.

"Can we please keep it PG in here," Kyungsoo calls, "Why don't you guys play video games or something." he suggests, pointing to the three game consoles that were barely used during this isolation. "You're right. C'mon Jongdae Hyung, let me dust your ass and win again." Sehun challenged, "Hey! The only reason why you won on the race was because you fucking cheated!" Jongdae yelled, "No I didn't! Your ass is just slow!" the youngest shouted back, "Why I'd ought to—" Jongdae was about to launch himself at his opponent, but luckily Jongin broke up the fight, "Will you guys stop being so childish!"

"He started it!" Both Jongdae and Sehun yelled in a unison.

"What the fuck, you guys are so god damn loud!" Chanyeol walks in the scene, his hair still messy as he just got out of bed by the two screaming children in the living room. "Sorry.." the two apologized and pressed play on Mario Kart.

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