December 5th

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It was the 25th of December, 2015; Friday morning.

Baekhyun was already downstairs at six in the morning, making hot chocolate as he waited for his family to awaken. After an hour or so, he had finished his drink and his family had woken up, stepping downstairs, greeting everyone with a 'good morning' and a 'Merry Christmas'. There were a lot of presents under the tree as Baekhyun was the first one to grab a present, giving it to his older brother, Baekbeom. Baekhyun had gotten his older brother a gift card and a new wallet his brother has been wishing for months. "Thank you so much, little brother!" He hugged the younger.

The two opened up their presents until there was none left under the tree, thanking to whoever bought the gift. Baekhyun checked the time: 7:48AM. He stood up and rushed upstairs and equipped his winter gear on before grabbing a gift bag that was sealed closed. He put on his winter boots and hollered to his family that he'll be back.

He was off to his best friend, Park Chanyeol's, house.

Knocking on the door, he waited a few seconds until the door swung open, revealing a girl slightly taller than him: Park Yoora. "Baekhyun!" She squealed and locked him into a huge embrace. "Alright Yoora, let go of him. His ribs are getting crushed." A deep voice called from behind him. Chanyeol was dressed so nicely, Baekhyun was so mesmerized; the way his black hair was slicked back and his eyes sparkled, no matter how many times Baekhyun tried to pinch himself that if this was a dream.

"Tell mom that I'll be back." He told his sister before he shut the door, walking with Baekhyun to their hangout spot, which was the park a few blocks down from Chanyeol's street. The reason why they were at the park, was to exchange gifts then to just stroll around somewhere, just to spend time together. Up first was Chanyeol, handing him a medium sized box.

"Oh my gosh, Chanyeol! I've been wanting this for months!" Baekhyun exclaimed as he saw the blue polaroid. Baekhyun had always loved to take pictures and keep memories in his photo book. "Thank you so much!" He embraced the taller into a warm hug. The hug was only for about three seconds until Baekhyun detached and gave the latter his gift. He opened it and his eyes opened up wide—it was a Rilakkuma bear wearing a necklace with a treble clef charm on it. He smiled, taking the necklace and clipping it on—it actually complimented his smile. "Thank you, Baekhyun."

It was at this moment where Baekhyun told Chanyeol truthfully about what he feels for him. "Chanyeol, I know we've been friends for a long time—I know this is weird to hear—but... I like you. Not like a friend, but further than... a... friend." He managed to say with little courage. Chanyeol was shocked to hear that his best friend just confessed right in front of him. Before Chanyeol could say anything else, his mind went over himself and began to over think on what might happen between them. What might happen if bad things start happening between them? What if they break up and never be friends again?

That can't happen.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun," The shorter's smile faded into a frown, "I can't return these feelings, I'm so, so sorry but, I'm not gay. Being gay is disgusting." He also frowned, afraid on how Baekhyun would react. "T-That's alright. It was my fault for having feelings anyways." His voice sounded like it was broken as he tried to hide the painful tears that were about to erupt from the boy's tear ducts. Baekhyun then ran off, not saying anything. Chanyeol instantly regretted on what he said, "Maybe that was a bit too harsh than what I had imagined in mind.." he sighed.

Winter break was now over and Chanyeol rushed to school—early for once—to seek for Baekhyun. But, whenever he tried to talk with Baekhyun, he would turn around and disappear into the crowd. It began to anger him a little bit that Baekhyun was now avoiding him, he even blocked his number.

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