December 14th

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Chanyeol watched their every move like a hawk.

Baekhyun and that bastard were walking side-to-side with their hands were intereinded. Hearing Baekhyun's giggles were so soothing to Chanyeol's ears, but he changed faces when Junmyeon would laugh at his own joke—it didn't even make sense either; he's not even fucking funny.

Today, everyone had agreed to go for another round of ice skating, wanting it to be a couples version. Chanyeol got so irritated that Junmyeon or Kyungsoo kept picking things that were couple-related. He hated it.

"What's wrong, Chanyeol?" Minseok frowned; he didn't say anything. "It's Baekhyun and Junmyeon, isn't it." Chanyeol still didn't reply. "Look, if it makes you feel better—I like Baekhyun with you a lot better," the older smiles, "But I guess it's too late now, huh?" Yeah, it is, Chanyeol said mentally.

"You should break them up." Jongdae suggested, two heads cocked into his direction, "That'll hurt him." The tallest muttered. "But I don't trust that Junmyeon guy, though." Jongdae mumbled, "You should do something about it."

And that's when Chanyeol had a plan, but he's up for the risks.

"Ready for round two, Jongdae Hyung," Sehun smirked as his lead leg was already at the front, "I'll dust your ass this time, but don't you fucking cheat!" Jongdae whined, "Whatever." Then, Jongin shouted go. The two racers rapidly moved their legs as they skated all around the lake. It was hard to tell who was leading since their places would switch by the turns. It was their last stretch and they were neck-to-neck as they crossed the finish almost together, but there was one winner. "I'm sorry to say, but Jongdae has won the race!" Minseok exclaimed, Jongdae's face lighting up in excitement, "Yes! Yes!" The boy pumped his fist up in the air, "You see that, Sehun, this is what happens when you don't cheat." The older stuck out his tongue. Sehun just rolled his eyes, but had a little smile on his face as he shook his head from his hyung being so childish.

After the little race, every couple skated around as Chanyeol and Sehun were left to skate together, "It sucks having your boyfriend go to China for the holidays.." Sehun mumbled, more to himself, actually. "At least you have one." Chanyeol muttered. "I'm sorry." Sehun frowned and instantly felt bad.

Could this day get any longer?

Back at the house, everyone got very lazy as they all were at the living room, watching some film, and of course everyone was snuggled with their significant other. Chanyeol couldn't help but glare at Baekhyun and Junmyeon cuddled up on the loveseat. He just wanted to rip them apart, but he couldn't do that. The movie lasted about an hour and a half and half of the boys were asleep, snoring all the way to dreamland as the rest continued to watch.

When the film was complete, everyone had retreated back into their rooms, Junmyeon paying his respects to Baekhyun's privacy and continued to sleep on the couch. Once Junmyeon was fully asleep, Chanyeol had stepped in and waved a hand over his face to check if he was asleep before he had sneaked into Baekhyun's room. He quietly opened the door to hear his shower turning off. He smirked to himself.

Luckily, his room was dark and blended in with the walls as he waited for Baekhyun to exit the bathroom. Baekhyun was humming as Chanyeol heard it was the tune of O Christmas Tree. Then, the door swung open, revealing light and the sense of steam all escaping from that room; Baekhyun walked out. This was Chanyeol's chance to grab the older and pinned him where Baekhyun's cold back was on Chanyeol's warm chest. Baekhyun yelled loudly, but it was only muffled as Chanyeol had his hand over his mouth. "Shh, if you want to be set free, you have to do whatever you say." Chanyeol whispered, "Now do what I say before I play your moans on repeat until your ears rot." Just those words felt hot to Baekhyun as his body gave in and relaxed, "I don't like it how you're with that son of a bitch, Junmyeon. I don't care if you're his boyfriend or not, but you belong to me and only me." Chanyeol lowly growled as he began to nibble on Baekhyun's neck. The smaller did all of his might to free himself, but he then froze as he felt something poke from the back of his thigh.

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