December 21st

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3 missed calls from TY Lee 🥃
3 new messages from TY Lee 🥃
1 new message from Chanyeollie 🥰

TY Lee 🥃 11:52
Baekhyunnie! Are you awake?

TY Lee 🥃 11:52
Don't tell me you're still asleep,,

TY Lee 🥃 11:54
Well call me when you're awake,, I just
arrived in Seoul!!

Not a few minutes after the text messages, Baekhyun woke up and was greeted by a few miss calls and messages. He first opened the messages from Taeyong and instantly got exited that his childhood best friend is now in town. Switching to Chanyeol's message, Baekhyun was astonished by his boyfriend's cute message.

Chanyeollie 🥰 08:26
good morning baby 😍🥰 did you sleep
well last night?

And of course Baekhyun had to respond.

ByunBun 11:59
Ofc Channie, I slept well

Chanyeollie 🥰 11:59
you just woke up now?

ByunBun 12:00
Yeah,, I should really fix my sleep schedule

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:02
i heard taeyong is in town

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:02
you going to meet up with him?

ByunBun 12:03
Yeah. Why, you want to come too?

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:03
nah, i would just be third wheeling 🙄

ByunBun 12:03
No you won't :(

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:04
just go, yeah?

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:04
you're probably tired of seeing me now lol

ByunBun 12:04
Yeah you're right 🤢

ByunBun 12:04
I'm kidding!! I will never get tired
of looking at you 😍

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:05
that's what i thought 😤

ByunBun 12:05
Lmao I love you 😙❤️

Chanyeollie 🥰 12:06
haha i know ilyt 💓

Baekhyun smiles once more at the oddly-cute message session he and Chanyeol had; turning off his phone and getting washed up to meet up with Taeyong.

"Baekhyunnie!!" Taeyong shouts as he sees the older in the distance. The two instantly run up to each other and embrace themselves into a big hug. "I missed you so much, Baekhyun!" The younger exclaims before parting. "So, how is studying in the states going for you? Have you learned a lot of English?" Baekhyun asks as they begin to walk down the street.

"My English has improved big time! Jaehyunnie has helped me with my grammar and vocabulary and I couldn't thank him enough," Taeyong swoons over his boyfriend as Baekhyun lively smiles.

The two had ended up in a café to have lunch and to catch up more on their lives. "So, what about you, Baekhyun? Do you still hate Chanyeol?" The younger asks, "We're... getting better." he replies. Taeyong's eyes widen, "Wait! Did you guys make up? How?"

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