December 12th

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Baekhyun had woken up to the sound of his phone. No one rarely called him during break, but his phone has been ringing for a straight five minutes which caused him to finally wake up. Without looking at the caller ID, Baekhyun answered.

"H-Hello?" he said so groggily as he yawned on the phone. "Hello? Finally! Baekhyun it's me, Taeyong!" His childhood best friend said from the other line that caused Barkhyun's eyes to open, making him wide awake now. "Taeyonggie! Oh my goodness, how are you?" A joyful Baekhyun asked as he sat up on his bed, pulling up the duvet to keep him warm. "I'm doing great! Winter break finally started at the states and I just arrived here in Korea to celebrate Christmas with my family and friends!" Taeyong replied, "Well that's nice," Baekhyun smiled.

"I also won't be able to meet up with you once I get home since you live all the way in Seoul." Taeyong frowned.

"That's okay. Go spend time with your family first, I'm sure they miss you dearly."

"Oh! Before I go, I have something to tell you!"

"What's up?"

"So I met a guy..." the younger giggled. "You met a guy!?" Baekhyun exclaimed as he almost fell out of bed, "and... we're now in a relationship!" Taeyong squealed. Baekhyun himself squealed along with him as Baekhyun wanted to know more about this guy. "His name is Jaehyun and we met when I was in tutoring for English. He saw me struggle a lot with my English so he insisted to help me and boom we're together." he explained—just thinking about Jaehyun makes his heart flutter. Baekhyun giggled, "Well that's cute. I hope you guys celebrate Christmas together." Baekhyun wishes. "Well, unfortunately, his family are in a state called Connecticut so he'll be staying in the states." The two of them frowned. "I'm sorry, yong." "No, it's okay! We both have families to see. No big deal! Oh, my mom's here now. I'll text you later, yeah?" Baekhyun heard the noise of movement, "Alright, Taeyong. Bye!" Baekhyun spoke before the line was cut.

"Good morning, guys!" Sehun greeted before he yawned, walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch. "Morning," everyone else groaned as they were still exhausted from yesterday's activity. "I'm going outside," Jongdae excused himself, "Why?" Chanyeol questioned, thinking if Jongdae was actually crazy from his sudden interest to go outside that's below freezing. "I want to build a snow fort. Wanna come with?" he asked everyone amongst people in the living room. "I'll go!" Sehun rose his hand, standing up afterwards and fetching his coat. "Minseok?" Jongdae pouted to the other, wanting to have his other half work with him. "I might as well," he said after finishing his cup of coffee for the morning. Smiling like a kid, he grabbed his coat and winter boots, being the first one to step out and find an area where a fort is durable for building.

"Why don't everyone go outside today? We've mostly done all of our activities indoors." Jongin suggested. With everyone agreeing with him, they all stepped into their rooms and got changed into their winter clothes.

Chanyeol got dressed, putting on multiple layers of clothing before going outside, but before he did, he noticed everyone except one who was at the small living room 'meeting'. Making sure if everyone had gone outside, Chanyeol made his way into the sleeping boy's room. There Baekhyun was; sleeping. Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle a little to see how Baekhyun's sleeping position was—sleeping the opposite way with his leg rested on the top of the head board. "I'll take a snap of this," he devishly smirked, taking a few photos of the oddly-sleeping boy before he thought of a way to wake him up.

Getting on the bed right next to him, he heard Baekhyun slightly snoring. After admiring how cutely the older was sleeping, he got over it and pinched Baekhyun's nose to stop his breathing. About fifteen seconds later, Baekhyun quickly shot up as he gasped for air. Chanyeol, on the other hand, was dying of laughter on the bed as the latter tried to get as much oxygen as he could. Taking his chance, Baekhyun pushed the giant off his bed, emitting a loud thud. "You dickhead! I could've died!" Baekhyun scowled at the boy who was on the floor, dialing down his laughter. Standing back up, Chanyeol dusted himself and sat on the chair while he waited for Baekhyun to be fully awake. "Get dressed, we're going outside." he commanded. Baekhyun scoffed, "As if I'm going outside in that damn arctic air."

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