December 9th

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Baekhyun wakes up to the scent of bacon and eggs that filled the air. He heard his stomach growl from emptiness and didn't bother to change as he slipped on his slippers and went to the bathroom to wash up before he rushed into the kitchen. He now notices the time, kind of confused why the area was still dark was because it was six in the morning.

Baekhyun hears a noise from a plate and then the silverware. He takes a peek to see Junmyeon sitting down and beginning to eat. Baekhyun sighed in relief as it wasn't a theif trying to steal food or something. He then exposes himself, causing Junmyeon to look up, scanning the boy from head to toe. "Good morning, Baekkie." Junmyeon said after he had swallowed his chewed food. "Good morning," he yawned, covering his mouth. "You must be hungry, please come eat." Junmyeon stood up and retrieved Baekhyun a plate and silverware, putting it across from where he was sitting. Baekhyun followed, washing his hands before sitting down and taking the food he wants.

Junmyeon just admired the way how the latter are, his cheeks being all puffy, yet squishy as the food filled them up.  "So, what are you doing up?" Baekhyun asked, snapping Junmyeon out of his thoughts and answered the latter, "I always wake up at six o'clock sharp. It's just a routine I got used to." He took another bite from his Baekhyun, "And you?" the older asked back, "I smelled food." They both laughed. Seconds later, the room fell silent again; the only thing they could hear was the muffled chewing and silverware clattering.

After eating the first meal of the day, Baekhyun retreated back into his room to take a shower, freshening up his mind and relaxing all of his tense muscles. While showering, he heard something unexpected as Baekhyun wasn't alone in his bathroom. He stood completely still as if there was a monster with sensitive hearing right outside of the shower. Baekhyun quietly moved and took a peak behind the shower curtain and out of no where, he was startled with a deep, loud voice.

"Boo!" Chanyeol yelled as Baekhyun shut the curtain and yelled in fright. "Chanyeol!? What the hell are you doing in my restroom!? Get out!" Baekhyun yelled. "And why would I do that? Your mirror is much bigger than mine and I always have to fucking lower myself because my mirror is so low." Chanyeol replied outside, twisting the hot faucet knob. Suddenly, the water turned cold and Chanyeol smirked, "Shit! It's so fucking cold, change it back you prick!" Baekhyun screamed, backing off the water and grabbed his towel, wrapping it around himself before stepping out to make Chanyeol leave.

"Get the hell out!"

"Why. This bathroom is better."

"So? And l weren't you the one who said to not to go to each other's rooms?" Baekhyun retorted.

"I said you can't go to my room, you didn't say not to go into yours." Chanyeol smirked.

"But I said to not interfere with my privacy!" Baekhyun fought back.

Chanyeol chuckled, "I wasn't interfering with your privacy, though. You were minding your business in the shower and I was minding mine. You ruined your own privacy." Chanyeol took a step forward, Baekhyun took a step back. "Besides, shouldn't you go back to the shower? Wouldn't want to waste the water, now would we?" He whispered. He had trapped Baekhyun on a wall at this point, whispering, yet so sexily, as Chanyeol's lips were inches apart from Baekhyun's ear.

Shivers were sent down to Baekhyun's spine, not because of Chanyeol's freakishly sexy voice, it was because he was cold. He could feel his blood rush south as he felt his friend begin to rise. Snapping back into his senses, Baekhyun used his might to shove the taller, but he wouldn't budge and put his hand on the wall. "Hey, slow down. Where are we rushing to?"

24 Days of Baekhyun - Chanbaek ✔️Where stories live. Discover now