December 19th

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"Yeah, I just woke up."

"I guess you can say that we're getting along."

"He's sleeping right here." Chanyeol hovered the phone over the sleeping boy who was bundled up with a blanket, his cheek getting squashed as his face was planted on the pillow he was on. "Hey! Don't be too loud, you're on speaker." Chanyeol scolds his older sister, but it was too late; Baekhyun had woken up.

"Hm?" Baekhyun hummed so confusingly as he was met with bright light, the room with all the curtains open making the scenery much brighter. "Damn it, Noona. You woke him up." The younger brother scowled. "What's going on?" Baekhyun mumbled with sleepy eyes, sitting up to be greeted with a heart-warming smile by the giant sitting on the coffee table as he admired Baekhyun while he slept before his older sister had called him. "Nothing. It's just my sister on the phone—"

"Hey, Baekhyun!" Yoora yelled through the phone as Chanyeol showed him the screen where he saw his older sister vigorously wave at him. "Hey, Yoora Noona," Baekhyun softly smiled as he rubbed his eyes, making them fully awake. Chanyeol retracted the phone back and stepped into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee as the two siblings talked; Baekhyun quickly going into his room to wash up and look more alive.

Once finished, he enters back into the living room where Chanyeol gives him a cup of coffee, smiling to thank him as the taller continues to talk to his older sister.

"What? You want us to come back now?! But you said Christmas Day!" Chanyeol exclaims from the kitchen. "O-Okay.." he mumbles. After a few words later, the call disconnects and the taller walls back into the living room where Baekhyun snuggled himself up on the blanket that was left in the couch.

"Good Morning, beautiful." Chanyeol sweetly smiles as he leans in for a peck on the smaller's squishy cheek. Baekhyun pouts, "What? No kiss on the lips?" Chanyeol chuckles and places a chaste kiss on the other's lips before parting. "So what was the whole 'want us to come back' thing earlier?" The older questions after taking a sip from his sweet coffee, "Noona told me that my parents wants us to come home today," Chanyeol explains, "They heard that we've been getting along lately." he frowns.

"But we never even had any time for ourselves yet!" Baekhyun whined, putting down his coffee and crosses his arms, "When are we leaving?" he pouts, "Tonight." Chanyeol strokes his thumb onto the older's hand. "Our families will be renting a mansion for three days until Christmas and we'll be together again, Baek. Don't worry." The younger leans in for another kiss, this time, it lingered a little bit longer than the last as the chaste kiss was replaced as a passionate one.

Chanyeol gently put the smaller on his back as he crawled on top, placing a sweet kiss on his eyes, then his nose, to his lips before going lower to attack his neck again, surprisingly Chanyeol was careful enough to not leave any marks for anyone to see. "Should we be doing this in the morning," Baekhyun giggles as Chanyeol's nose continue to tickle the boy's sensitive neck, "Why, you don't want to?" The younger cutely pouts, puppy eyes beginning to form. Baekhyun couldn't resist.

"It is our last day for ourselves. Might as well use this time to do so." Chanyeol smirks before taking off both of their shirts and tossing it aside. The touch from the younger's slender fingers made Baekhyun shiver down his spine as it left a fiery trail where his fingers would trace. Peppering kisses down his torso, Baekhyun emits an uttered groan, making Chanyeol so pleased that he did the same action around the smaller's nerve of buds.

Then, Baekhyun's bottoms were removed, leaving him completely naked as Chanyeol had instead put his fingers into Baekhyun's mouth in the meantime for lubrication. Baekhyun sucked the younger's fingers generously as Chanyeol's free hand wrapped around the older's cock, pumping it so sinfully that it caused Baekhyun to moan deeply into the younger's fingers.

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