December 15th

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"Truth or dare." Sehun starts as he spun the bottle and landed on Kyungsoo. "Truth." The older replied, "Is... Is it true that you used to be a nerd back then?" Kyungsoo slowly thins his lips, taking slight offense, "Just because I'm smart, doesn't make me a nerd." He rolled his eyes. "If you say you're also smart, would you call yourself a nerd or are you just stupid-stupid to know?" Kyungsoo shoots. Snickers were filled around the room as Sehun had his lips at an 'O' shape by the older's sudden sassiness.

Kyungsoo then takes the bottle and spins. After the bottle spinning four turns, it landed on Jongdae. "Truth or dare," Kyungsoo spoke, "Dare!" Jongdae smirked as he was willing to take any risks for a dare. "I dare you to pull on your ears until it lands back to you." Kyungsoo challenges. "Easy!" The older accepts as he spun the bottle before he grabbed both of his ears and pulled on them.

It landed on Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun! Truth or dare!"

"Baekhyun? Hey, Byun Baekhyun!" Jongdae yelled, snapping the older out of his thoughts and brought his attention to the game, "Truth or dare?"


"Come on, Baek. Truths are for wusses." Jongdae said, coincidentally looking at Kyungsoo before he got hit with a pillow. "I'll stick with truth." Baekhyun extended his legs. Everyone began to disagree with the said person as they wanted to see Baekhyun do a dare.

"Alright, alright! Dare."

"I dare you to kiss the person to your... left." Jongdae hides his smirk.

Baekhyun shot up, slowly looking to his left to see that, to by his surprise, Park Chanyeol was sitting to his left. Junmyeon tensed up. Chanyeol glared at Jongdae, not knowing why he'd do such a thing and looked to his right to see that Baekhyun's ears were red. "You guys need to make up somehow." Jongdae commented.

"Don't do it." Junmyeon whispered barely audible for anyone else to hear except for Baekhyun. "I-It's a dare.. I can't back out from dares." Baekhyun whispered back. "Please, don't do this. If I am truly your boyfriend; don't kiss him." The two frowned.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Jongdae chanted as everyone tagged along and began to chant with him.

"I'm sorry, Junmyeon."

And just like that, Baekhyun cupped Chanyeol's face as he crashed his lips onto the younger's. They didn't know how long they should do it, but both of them didn't want to break apart. Everyone, except one, cheered and applauded as they saw the people who hate each other, just kiss right in front of them. They pulled apart at the same time and they were both flushed in red as they looked each other in the eyes before sitting back down.

Looking to his right, Junmyeon had left.

But Baekhyun's heart felt relieved.

"So are you going to break up with him now?" Chanyeol asks as he pinned Baekhyun on the wall as they were now inside Chanyeol's room. "I-I don't know." he murmurs. "I know you don't like him." Chanyeol states, "I know you truly like someone when you do this some sort of act, which you don't do it with Junmyeon." Chanyeol leans in, hearing Baekhyun's breath hitch as he catches himself, "There. Your breath hitches as your ears go red, but you don't do that to him, do you?" The taller smirks.

Baekhyun didn't reply.

"Listen, Baek. I can make this so much easier for you." Chanyeol sexily whispers. Hearing Chanyeol whisper was such a big turn on for Baekhyun, but he was resisting as much as he can as his blood flow rushed down his lower end. "I'm thinking of so much positions I can do with you, but it's such a pity that we can't do that yet."

"So, what do you say, Baekhyun?" Chanyeol was centimeters away from the older's face. He said nothing. "Then I guess we have to continue," Chanyeol growled before he attacked the older's lips. By his surprise, Baekhyun kissed back immediately, lips moving. Chanyeol swiped his tongue on Baekhyun's lower lip, but when Chanyeol's thigh was rubbing on the other's crotch; emitting a soft moan, Chanyeol slid his tongue in, exploring the hot cavern and tongue wrestled with the older. Eventually, Baekhyun lost dominance and let the younger's tongue explore before they pulled apart.

Chanyeol then brought Baekhyun to his bed where they were at the same scene from last night. "You like it how I finger-fuck you until you want more and moan my name, hmm?" Chanyeol hums as he adds another finger into Baekhyun's hole. Baekhyun noticed how his moans were getting louder and louder as he was getting filled with pleasure, so he reached up to grab a pillow and put it on his face to muffle the moaning.

"Take off the pillow, sweets. I won't get to see your sexy face when you moan for me." Chanyeol three the pillow back as he placed his other set of fingers into Baekhyun's mouth to keep him quiet. Sucking on Chanyeol's fingers, Baekhyun moans louder as the younger's fingers began to curl, that feeling of pleasure made his mind sky-rocket.

A few moments later, Baekhyun was not on top of Chanyeol, but was facing the opposite direction as they were doing Chanyeol's favourite position. Baekhyun was the first one to grab the boy's thick cock and entered his mouth and caused Chanyeol to gasp, "Holy shit!"

Feeling sweet pleasure from below, Chanyeol returned it; both persons moaning as they sucked and pumped one another'a cock. Momentarily, the two coincidentally came at the same time, having last bits of their moans as their mouths were filled up with loads of cum.

The rest of the night was calm as Chanyeol was sleeping beside Baekhyun, but Baekhyun couldn't sleep. Shuffling between Chanyeol's arms, he couldn't get his mind straight.

"I-I love you, Baekhyun." Chanyeol mumbles.

"What?" Baekhyun whispers.

"Baekhyun... N-No. don't go. I love you.."

Baekhyun shuffles once more to where he was facing Chanyeol again. The room was dark, but there was barely any light to where he could see Chanyeol's facial features. He had a soft face, big ears and soft, plump lips. Baekhyun's eyes lowered to Chanyeol's chest where he had noticed something he didn't have noticed before.

A necklace, more rather, it was a necklace with a treble cleft charm. Then it had hit him. It was the same necklace that Baekhyun had given him on Christmas—the day where everything fell apart.

But Chanyeol had wore the necklace the whole time. Baekhyun then remembered that he had a familiar necklace that Baekhyun assumed it was Junmyeon had given to him.

They were the same.

In that moment, Baekhyun's heart fluttered in joy.

"Why did he keep this with him." Baekhyun whispers to himself.

A wave of stupidity hit Baekhyun as if he had just received multiple slaps to reality.

Chanyeol never stopped loving Baekhyun.

And Baekhyun realizes that his heart never stopped beating for Chanyeol.

10 Days until Christmas...

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